Created by Mike on 1/11/2025 in #❓・help
Type safe props with `NuxtPage`
I already have typedPages: true and use definePageMeta didn't work
6 replies
Created by Jonas on 9/28/2024 in #❓・help
Couldn't resolve component "default" at "/"
Got some occurrences of this error in Sentry, seems to happen after upgrading to Nuxt 3.13.2 from 3.11. Mostly happens for bots but has also impacted some real users
18 replies
Created by Kyoko on 9/30/2024 in #❓・help
How to get headers in Nuxt middleware?
2 replies
Created by plr. on 9/11/2024 in #❓・help
How to fetch properly ?
Looks like there's an ssl error on that site. Try fetching https://httpbin.org/get to see if that works
8 replies
Created by bobvantpadje on 9/12/2024 in #❓・help
Shareable custom useAsyncData composable
You're welcome 🙂
6 replies
Created by bobvantpadje on 9/12/2024 in #❓・help
Shareable custom useAsyncData composable
I'm not sure. It says it only caches when payloadExtraction is enabled, so maybe something to do with that
6 replies
Created by bobvantpadje on 9/12/2024 in #❓・help
Shareable custom useAsyncData composable
I found this video quite helpful, when implementing something similar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQPR0xn-MMk TLDW: Use getCachedData on useAsyncData
6 replies
Created by george.x.r on 9/10/2024 in #❓・help
Language Switcher (i18n) does not update components
so useRetrieveDataFind is dependent on locale? Try adding locale to watch params: https://nuxt.com/docs/api/composables/use-async-data#watch-params
8 replies
Created by george.x.r on 9/10/2024 in #❓・help
Language Switcher (i18n) does not update components
Can you show the code for TheFooter or TheNavigation?
8 replies
Created by Mike on 8/2/2024 in #❓・help
Typing a custom `useFetch` to include null
I've created a draft PR here: https://github.com/nuxt/nuxt/pull/28389
18 replies
Created by Mike on 8/2/2024 in #❓・help
Typing a custom `useFetch` to include null
Don't know why the type is repeated twice in 4.0
18 replies
Created by Mike on 8/2/2024 in #❓・help
Typing a custom `useFetch` to include null
In 4.0 it seems to be globalThis.Ref<string | undefined, string | undefined> and in 3.12 it's globalThis.Ref<string | null> when doing const {data} = await useAPI<string>('test')
18 replies
Created by Mike on 8/2/2024 in #❓・help
Typing a custom `useFetch` to include null
Should I update the recipe to use this function signature?
export function UseAPI<T>(
url: string | (() => string),
options?: UseFetchOptions<T>,
) {
export function UseAPI<T>(
url: string | (() => string),
options?: UseFetchOptions<T>,
) {
18 replies
Created by Mike on 8/2/2024 in #❓・help
Typing a custom `useFetch` to include null
Yeah in 4.0, the return type is default?: (() => globalThis.Ref<undefined, undefined> | undefined) | undefined
18 replies
Created by Mike on 8/2/2024 in #❓・help
Typing a custom `useFetch` to include null
I'll check
18 replies
Created by Mike on 8/2/2024 in #❓・help
Typing a custom `useFetch` to include null
I think so as well. Wouldn't that change automatically in 4.0 when using options?: UseFetchOptions<T> as the function signature?
18 replies
Created by Mike on 8/2/2024 in #❓・help
Typing a custom `useFetch` to include null
Just checked in a 3.12 project, seems to be the same
18 replies
Created by Mike on 8/2/2024 in #❓・help
Typing a custom `useFetch` to include null
This is in a nuxt 3.11.2 project, want me to check with 3.12?
18 replies
Created by Mike on 8/2/2024 in #❓・help
Typing a custom `useFetch` to include null
The type of default is default?: (() => globalThis.Ref<null> | null) | undefined, with this function signature:
export function useCachedFetch<T>(
url: string | (() => string),
options?: UseFetchOptions<T>,
) {
// my function
export function useCachedFetch<T>(
url: string | (() => string),
options?: UseFetchOptions<T>,
) {
// my function
18 replies