Different toast alignments for frontend
I have an admin panel, and I am using the Toast notifications in a regular livewire component (https://filamentphp.com/docs/3.x/notifications/installation).
The issue I am having is I cannot find a way of changing the position of the toast notifications only on the frontend.
The code I am using to change it.
I have tried the following:
1. Adding it inside
View::composer('layouts.app', function() {})
2. Creating a middleware and applying it to the frontend routes.
3. Using request()->is('admin/*')
It only happens when trying to send a toast in livewire, does work if I send it then redirect (like a regular flash msg).
It's like these attempts cannot tell if the livewire update request is frontend/admin panel so does not work, and Filament is generating the position during this request.21 replies
Collapsible Content - Keep Column Headers
Would like a user to be able to expand a row and kindof peek some details about that record in the collapsible content.
Using https://filamentphp.com/docs/3.x/tables/layout#collapsible-content works well... however, the headers disappear.
Is this possible?
5 replies
Reuse macro callbacks for multiple classes
Is there a way of extracting the anonoymous functions to a class function? I would like it so I can just pass
, or [$this, 'onlyForAdmins']
and not have to duplicate the func body every time.
I tried to just extract it like I mentioned, but it complains that $this->visible()
is not a method on the class. Is this a Laravel macro thing?4 replies
Custom table columns per table tab
I'm moving from Nova, and basically want to replicate what a Lense does in Filament.
So when I switch to my "Pending Payments" tab, I want to also add a column showing "payment total".
Is this at all possible? Or do I need to have separate pages/tables linked to these tabs?
6 replies
TextEntry placeholder not working for related models
This should show "None" but is blank.
I can see in the state get's wrapped, which is causing it to be [ 0 => "" ] which resolves to true when deciding whether or not to show the placeholder.
is this a bug?
6 replies
Are table actions slow?
I am migrating a website from Nova to Filament and I was just comparing the page load times. I understand Nova is Vue and uses ajax(inertia), but a pure livewire table is very quick.
I have a table with 25 rows and 1 column, and when I add view, edit and delete iconButtons it slows by 350ms... I have run php artisan icons:cache with no difference.
Not sure why it's slowing down so much, is blade rendering just slow with this many views?
17 replies
How to add field error manually in Livewire component
I have a custom Livewire component with a form(), and I need to give a field an error message after submission.
The field is called "code", and I need to add an error message of "Invalid code" only after they have submitted the form.
I assumed I would just do
$this->addError('code', 'Invalid code')
but I cannot see it, am I missing a prefix or something? Or have I missed something in the docs?5 replies