Created by Harvey on 1/3/2025 in #❓┊help
Different toast alignments for frontend
I have an admin panel, and I am using the Toast notifications in a regular livewire component (https://filamentphp.com/docs/3.x/notifications/installation). The issue I am having is I cannot find a way of changing the position of the toast notifications only on the frontend. The code I am using to change it.
I have tried the following: 1. Adding it inside View::composer('layouts.app', function() {}) 2. Creating a middleware and applying it to the frontend routes. 3. Using request()->is('admin/*') It only happens when trying to send a toast in livewire, does work if I send it then redirect (like a regular flash msg).
It's like these attempts cannot tell if the livewire update request is frontend/admin panel so does not work, and Filament is generating the position during this request.
21 replies
Created by Harvey on 10/23/2024 in #❓┊help
How to import Alpine in custom script
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10 replies
Created by Harvey on 10/22/2024 in #❓┊help
Collapsible Content - Keep Column Headers
Would like a user to be able to expand a row and kindof peek some details about that record in the collapsible content. Using https://filamentphp.com/docs/3.x/tables/layout#collapsible-content works well... however, the headers disappear. Is this possible?
5 replies
Created by Harvey on 8/13/2024 in #❓┊help
Spatie/translatable cannot mutate prop $activeLocale in relation manager
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2 replies
Created by Harvey on 4/29/2024 in #❓┊help
Reuse macro callbacks for multiple classes
Is there a way of extracting the anonoymous functions to a class function? I would like it so I can just pass $this->onlyForAdmins, or [$this, 'onlyForAdmins'] and not have to duplicate the func body every time.
Field::macro('onlyForAdmins', function () {
return $this->visible(function () {
return Auth::user()->is_admin;

MountableAction::macro('onlyForAdmins', function () {
return $this->visible(function () {
return Auth::user()->is_admin;

ActionGroup::macro('onlyForAdmins', function () {
return $this->visible(function () {
return Auth::user()->is_admin;
Field::macro('onlyForAdmins', function () {
return $this->visible(function () {
return Auth::user()->is_admin;

MountableAction::macro('onlyForAdmins', function () {
return $this->visible(function () {
return Auth::user()->is_admin;

ActionGroup::macro('onlyForAdmins', function () {
return $this->visible(function () {
return Auth::user()->is_admin;
I tried to just extract it like I mentioned, but it complains that $this->visible() is not a method on the class. Is this a Laravel macro thing?
4 replies
Created by Harvey on 4/19/2024 in #❓┊help
Custom table columns per table tab
I'm moving from Nova, and basically want to replicate what a Lense does in Filament. So when I switch to my "Pending Payments" tab, I want to also add a column showing "payment total". Is this at all possible? Or do I need to have separate pages/tables linked to these tabs?
6 replies
Created by Harvey on 1/31/2024 in #❓┊help
TextEntry placeholder not working for related models
This should show "None" but is blank. I can see in
the state get's wrapped, which is causing it to be [ 0 => "" ] which resolves to true when deciding whether or not to show the placeholder. is this a bug?
6 replies
Created by Harvey on 1/26/2024 in #❓┊help
Are table actions slow?
I am migrating a website from Nova to Filament and I was just comparing the page load times. I understand Nova is Vue and uses ajax(inertia), but a pure livewire table is very quick. I have a table with 25 rows and 1 column, and when I add view, edit and delete iconButtons it slows by 350ms... I have run php artisan icons:cache with no difference. Not sure why it's slowing down so much, is blade rendering just slow with this many views?
17 replies
Created by Harvey on 1/25/2024 in #❓┊help
canAccess() method not working when added to Custom Page
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5 replies
Created by Harvey on 1/15/2024 in #❓┊help
How to add field error manually in Livewire component
I have a custom Livewire component with a form(), and I need to give a field an error message after submission. The field is called "code", and I need to add an error message of "Invalid code" only after they have submitted the form. I assumed I would just do $this->addError('code', 'Invalid code') but I cannot see it, am I missing a prefix or something? Or have I missed something in the docs?
5 replies