Are table actions slow?
I am migrating a website from Nova to Filament and I was just comparing the page load times. I understand Nova is Vue and uses ajax(inertia), but a pure livewire table is very quick.
I have a table with 25 rows and 1 column, and when I add view, edit and delete iconButtons it slows by 350ms... I have run php artisan icons:cache with no difference.
Not sure why it's slowing down so much, is blade rendering just slow with this many views?
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Telescope was the main cause. Have it enabled on dev, and disabling it halved the response times. Likely because telescope also watched blade views. Just like debugbar...
10 Replies
The eloquent query takes ~1ms to run
Can you share the
part?I wouldn't recommend fetching all users as options:
->options(fn () => User::all()->pluck('name', 'id'))
you can use getSearchResultsUsing()
(I think). But shouldn't be that much of a difference 🤔Yeah not much changed
What's strange is when I add actions in 1 by 1, the ms increase is quite large
like an extra 200-400ms just by adding the DeleteAction (with icons cached)
Hm. That sounds weird.
Yeah I think my project is just slow overall. Setup a new laravel project and it's way faster.
I still have Nova installed in the same project, could that be causing a slow down?
Not sure.
Alrighty, thanks for your help😄 . Think I'm just going to have to strip things back to try figure out what's causing this for my specific case.
Telescope was the main cause. Have it enabled on dev, and disabling it halved the response times. Likely because telescope also watched blade views. Just like debugbar...