Created by Mark on 4/5/2024 in #✋|help
MongoDB migration
I have a mongodb with data running locally with data that I want to publish on railway. I already have deployed a mongodb on railway that is up and running. I saw there seems to be a migration script available ( but I dont know how to use this script or where to run it.
5 replies
Created by Mark on 11/28/2023 in #✋|help
Deploy Angular Monorepo on railway
I currently have local monorepo project working and want to deploy it on railway. I make use of only 1 repo but I have different path files for the front and back end. I can start the back end using the command: "nx s data-api". And I can start the front end using: "nx s mtg-nx-project". I don't know how I can easily push my repo to railway. I know I will have to use multiple services since it is a front and back end, but I dont know how to go about this.
22 replies