Created by lionel on 11/13/2024 in #❓・help
How can I avoid 401 error with useFetch and http basic auth, when SWR enabled is it best practice to deploy nuxt 3 with docker to a vps or without docker
19 replies
Created by lionel on 11/13/2024 in #❓・help
How can I avoid 401 error with useFetch and http basic auth, when SWR enabled can I use field level validations with useField in vee validate 4, while also using form level validtion with useForm?
19 replies
Created by lionel on 11/13/2024 in #❓・help
How can I avoid 401 error with useFetch and http basic auth, when SWR enabled isnt there a more standard way to do this, without a custom useFetch wrapper or manually adding the headers to the request? This is taken care of by the nuxt-security module, it just does not work with swr
19 replies