Created by KiLo89 on 5/29/2024 in #✋|help
Deployment Failed during build process
Brody, ...Bingo, OMG it's up and running now! That Dockerfile is really simple. It took awhile to figure this out. Thanks for your help!
73 replies
Created by KiLo89 on 5/29/2024 in #✋|help
Deployment Failed during build process
Brody, here's my Dockerfile
73 replies
Created by KiLo89 on 5/29/2024 in #✋|help
Deployment Failed during build process
Brody, I am so confused. I thought you said using a Dockerfile would be straight forward? If the build log says Gunicorn is installed, but deploy log says it can’t find Gunicorn… so what should I do? I’ve been working on this Dockerfile method for weeks, should I try going back to Nixpack? Do you have a successful working dockerfile for a python/django application that I can copy? I’m totally lost. I need some direction from you or one of your colleagues.
73 replies
Created by KiLo89 on 5/29/2024 in #✋|help
Deployment Failed during build process
No description
73 replies
Created by KiLo89 on 5/29/2024 in #✋|help
Deployment Failed during build process
I removed the start command, redeployed, but redeployment crashed
73 replies
Created by KiLo89 on 5/29/2024 in #✋|help
Deployment Failed during build process
No description
73 replies
Created by KiLo89 on 5/29/2024 in #✋|help
Deployment Failed during build process
If it's exiting with an error wouldn't the build or deploy logs show that. Everything looks good. You said going "Dockerfiles complicated, please don't overthink this" but I have worked on this for days with no real progress.
73 replies
Created by KiLo89 on 5/29/2024 in #✋|help
Deployment Failed during build process
I don't think it is existing prematurely because there is nothing to migrate, that's why it says "no migrations to apply"
73 replies
Created by KiLo89 on 5/29/2024 in #✋|help
Deployment Failed during build process
How do I look into that? It was running before when I was using Nixpack method.
73 replies
Created by KiLo89 on 5/29/2024 in #✋|help
Deployment Failed during build process
It is: python migrate && gunicorn equick.wsgi
73 replies
Created by KiLo89 on 5/29/2024 in #✋|help
Deployment Failed during build process
when you say start command are you referring to the CMD statement in the dockerfile? If so, it is: CMD gunicorn equick.wsgi
73 replies
Created by KiLo89 on 5/29/2024 in #✋|help
Deployment Failed during build process
Brody, the migration issue has been remedied but still getting "Application failed to respond". Here's the deployment log
73 replies
Created by KiLo89 on 5/29/2024 in #✋|help
Deployment Failed during build process
73 replies
Created by KiLo89 on 5/29/2024 in #✋|help
Deployment Failed during build process
here are the logs
73 replies
Created by KiLo89 on 5/29/2024 in #✋|help
Deployment Failed during build process
still getting "Application failed to respond"
73 replies
Created by KiLo89 on 5/29/2024 in #✋|help
Deployment Failed during build process
Brody, I did the migrate and makemigrations then git push to Github -iMac equick % python3 makemigrations No changes detected (equick) iMac equick % python3 migrate
Operations to perform: Apply all migrations: account, admin, auth, contenttypes, datainput, django_summernote, djstripe, idea, login_history, posts, sessions, sites, subscribers, user_accounts Running migrations: No migrations to apply.
73 replies
Created by KiLo89 on 5/29/2024 in #✋|help
Deployment Failed during build process
Here's the deploy log
73 replies
Created by KiLo89 on 5/29/2024 in #✋|help
Deployment Failed during build process
I did the makemigrations and migrate: railway run python migrate
Select a service to pull variables from web
Operations to perform: Apply all migrations: account, admin, auth, contenttypes, datainput, django_summernote, djstripe, idea, login_history, posts, sessions, sites, subscribers, user_accounts Running migrations: Applying django_summernote.0003_alter_attachment_id... OK Looking good? Run railway up to deploy your changes! I did a redeploy, and still getting "Application failed to respond"
73 replies
Created by KiLo89 on 5/29/2024 in #✋|help
Deployment Failed during build process
Here's the deployment log
73 replies
Created by KiLo89 on 5/29/2024 in #✋|help
Deployment Failed during build process
Brody I removed the PROCFILE and redeployed but still getting Application failed to respond
73 replies