NJPW | Diagoldze
NJPW | Diagoldze
Created by NJPW | Diagoldze on 1/15/2024 in #questions-and-advice
Brands similar to Sassafras, gardering inspired, etc.
Hey everyone. One brand I am a really big fan of when it comes to looks is Sassafras, but let's just say that it's not that easy to get into the EU, and currently my budget won't allow myself to spend that much on clothing pieces. While I know it might be a forbidden saying here, but does anyone happen to know brands that would rock a similar style / inspiration, be available in the EU without import and might be on a "cheaper" side ? What I enjoy the most in Sassafras is its overall look, managing to combine both the utilitarian aspect, the outdoor feeling of its clothes, and its "clean" aspect (might be a better term for that somewhere). Budget would be around 100 € max per piece. I can go slightly above if there's really something that I fall in love with. I know you can sometimes find some stuff from Sassafras at this price if you're lucky but I am not! If you need any more info from me I'll be glad to give.
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