deploy logs say nuxt "start" is an unknown command. Production and development sites both crashed.
1. build command is nuxt build --- it is
2. start command is node output/server/index.mjs --- which it now is in a script entry I called "prodserve" in my package.json
3. "make sure you set these commands in the scripts portion of your package.json" -- exactly what is in 1 & 2 above
4. is it just the clearing out of the start and build commands? - I cleared out the npm run start entry and replaced it with prodserve
However my last test build succeeded and the site is running. I'll try that in prod.
However my last test build succeeded and the site is running. I'll try that in prod.
40 replies
deploy logs say nuxt "start" is an unknown command. Production and development sites both crashed.
okay create a script with the line you indicated above "prodserve": "node output/server/index.mjs" in my package.json . and updated my deploy setting for the "Start Command" to be "npm start prodserve" pushing develop to get the deploy triggered in my test env.
40 replies
deploy logs say nuxt "start" is an unknown command. Production and development sites both crashed.
what I don't get is why the site was deployed and running fine. And three hours later it crashes and I start seeing these problems. It's been live on Railway for over a month with no changes to deployment.
40 replies
deploy logs say nuxt "start" is an unknown command. Production and development sites both crashed.
I pushed a navigation bugfix and everything was working beautifully as of ... 3 hours ago. My test users came back and gave production a green light. I have been referencing pages on prod since then. At just about an hour ago, the site started looking weird and then crashed.
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