All requests fail due to erroneous data
Looks like the first record has been created (with NULL value) but now fails because it does not match the graphql schema definition. If you are self-hosting and have access to the DB, I would look for the record and delete it, you probably have 2 records with one having NULL for the lastName.
9 replies
Welp, all of my companies have been soft deleted.
Ok I can reproduce, thanks for the video @Raph
It seems to be related to the select all actions (as you suggested) and happens only on deleted records view. Seems like it's sending all the ids to the softDelete mutation regardless of the active filter (here "deleted records", so actually send all the non deleted records) .
63 replies
What's the best way to bulk add/remove fields?
Hi @basicbass
We haven't implemented the createMany indeed. Shouldn't take much time but we didn't have this use case yet. Feel free to create an issue though. I'm not sure we will prioritise this one because we have an upcoming refactoring on that part and we would prefer to finish that first but we will keep it in mind!
6 replies