Created by ♡CrOwO♡ on 6/30/2024 in #community-help
I'm still getting ping spikes
I've tried what Riot Support said about my router but none of it is fixing it it doesn't seem to be an internet thing because i can download games as fast as usual and i even tested it with a speed internet tester and its Uploading and Downloading fine when Vals not up. and it the test looks the same when Val is up I tried asking for help hear but even those tips didn't help, Plus with the fact nobody else in my matches nor my friends are having this issue makes it even more confusing. (I even closed down everything in the background and it still happend) Please Help i genuinely don't know what to do anymore, I'm tired of rubberbanding when peaking then getting headshoted.
4 replies
Created by ♡CrOwO♡ on 6/30/2024 in #community-help
Network Problem How to fix
I have been getting High ping spikes and network problems every time i open Val (it also affect stuff outside of Valorant with some stuff getting slower) How can i fix it:ds_pls:
3 replies