•Created by Croime on 1/13/2025 in #community-help
How do i Report someone for acting like a riot dev
I want to know cuz this guy scared tf out of me and I'm not letting it slide (i tried to get him but i cant report someone who only friended me.)
35 replies
•Created by Croime on 12/25/2024 in #community-help
Ping Spikes
I've tried Updating Drivers, and resetting my computer but nothing seems to fix the spikes I'm in the US Servers and I've been having this for 2 days. Thank you if you help /gen /sincere
2 replies
•Created by Croime on 11/28/2024 in #community-help
Hey which should i get as a game recorder Medal or Outplayed?
I'm starting to get better at my games and i wanna look back on certain moment (both failures and Wins) so i can play better.
I've heard these two are pretty popular but ill take others if you don't like nor use these two.
30 replies
•Created by Croime on 10/4/2024 in #community-help
How does Rapid Crouch Shooting work
I've been seeing players in my games Rapidly crouch while shooting and it makes it harder for me to kill them. I am getting tilted by it don't get me wrong, but it very much more intrigues me on how it works or at least how to use/counter it.
what i do know about it is that Tap/ Burst firing while standing still is how it looks to the enemy player and it sometimes mixes me up when i expect them to move to cover or to the side away from my crosshair placement (especially since I'm sleep deprived atm lol).
If anyone can help answer on how to counter this, thank you.
6 replies
•Created by Croime on 9/11/2024 in #community-help
Why Do I still get affected by what ppl say to me in game
Context: So basically i was playing this game and we were losing then someone said the word "Awge" i didn't know what it meant and i was curious so i sent back "?". They sent the same word again and when i asked what it meant they said "I'd find out soon enough"
Now i felt tilted because i felt like it was pity , and not the good kind of pity that makes you feel like you're fighting a Respectable Opponent, The ones that also hate the fact your teammate Alt-f4'd in rage or cuz they didn't like the team, and/or Someone who wants you to get better in the mist of the battle even though you both are enemies.
It felt like a pity that was as if they were looking down on me... and i couldn't do shit about it... and at the end of the match at the last second they spaced my GT (SadCrow0) to say "Sad Crow" and send it as a message in chat.
when i realized they were mocking me... idk if its the sleep deprivation or just me playing the game for too long but... tbh part of me wanted to cry. Not cuz we lost the game (I learned a lot from there top frag it was nice watching and adapting to their playstyle even if i lost), it wasn't it because i was Mid-Frag, nor was it because i couldn't' t get the upper hand at the end (12-12 Endgame)....
I think its cause i was tired, Tired of trying and trying to get better as a Sentinel(Cypher main) so i can help my team and perfect my aim so i can win more gun fights only to be seen as less than or be told not by words but by tone "Aw look the Noob is trying their hardest to win"... it hurts ya know
And y'all can Say "Skill issue" or "Womp Womp" all ya want, I'm still gonna keep fucking going so i can reach my goal of (Gold) but i...
The Question im asking:
i just want to know how to not get affected by lil shit like this yk so i don't feel like i gotta get off after seeing one insult hurled at me in a match while I'm already down losing.
50 replies
•Created by Croime on 7/27/2024 in #community-help
Should i just make a new account to leave my mmr
I genuinely feel like my mmr is higher than my rank(my peak is silver 1 but technically I'm still bronze 3 in terms of skill.) and I've thought of leaving my main and making a new one, not to smurf cuz i don't like surf's as much as the next guy, but just so i can enjoy the game with out feeling like shit afterwards.
My randoms have been from what i see on the buddies: Dimond, Immortal, Im seen a few Ascendants, and Hell i saw a Radiant in once of them in multiple games than i have played with anyone of my rank.) My friends keep saying that those people in the high ranks(like Dimond/ Ascendant are not as scary as i think they are.) but in my own opinion i genuinely would rather play against those ik i should be playing against and not getting fucking stomped on by other players who are so much better than me in an unrated match.
If y'all say I shouldn't ill just keep playing on my main till it gets too much and i decide to uninstall and then the game drags me back in again.
(If your wondering what servers its the US servers)
9 replies
•Created by Croime on 6/30/2024 in #community-help
I'm still getting ping spikes
I've tried what Riot Support said about my router but none of it is fixing it it doesn't seem to be an internet thing because i can download games as fast as usual and i even tested it with a speed internet tester and its Uploading and Downloading fine when Vals not up. and it the test looks the same when Val is up
I tried asking for help hear but even those tips didn't help, Plus with the fact nobody else in my matches nor my friends are having this issue makes it even more confusing. (I even closed down everything in the background and it still happend)
Please Help i genuinely don't know what to do anymore, I'm tired of rubberbanding when peaking then getting headshoted.
4 replies
•Created by Croime on 6/30/2024 in #community-help
Network Problem How to fix
I have been getting High ping spikes and network problems every time i open Val (it also affect stuff outside of Valorant with some stuff getting slower) How can i fix it:ds_pls:
3 replies