
Should i just make a new account to leave my mmr

I genuinely feel like my mmr is higher than my rank(my peak is silver 1 but technically I'm still bronze 3 in terms of skill.) and I've thought of leaving my main and making a new one, not to smurf cuz i don't like surf's as much as the next guy, but just so i can enjoy the game with out feeling like shit afterwards. My randoms have been from what i see on the buddies: Dimond, Immortal, Im seen a few Ascendants, and Hell i saw a Radiant in once of them in multiple games than i have played with anyone of my rank.) My friends keep saying that those people in the high ranks(like Dimond/ Ascendant are not as scary as i think they are.) but in my own opinion i genuinely would rather play against those ik i should be playing against and not getting fucking stomped on by other players who are so much better than me in an unrated match. If y'all say I shouldn't ill just keep playing on my main till it gets too much and i decide to uninstall and then the game drags me back in again. (If your wondering what servers its the US servers)
4 Replies
peacefulmode8mo ago
ok so go for it i remember doing this back in 2020 when i was iron 2 if i remember correctly and i made a new acc and then turns out i got placed silver 2 so i just 4-5 ranks in the middle and i adapted to it and eventually hit platinum, the switch can help you playing on different acc will reset your mmr and give players according to your rank and it also the fact that after every ep all the diamonds, acs drop to gold plat
CroimeOP8mo ago
oh cool :3
peacefulmode8mo ago
that's also a reason to why it gets hella difficult to climb as someone who is silver1-3
CroimeOP8mo ago
ohhh plus im happy with staying in silver but i keep getting very high ranks in unrated like... higher than usual.

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