
Why Do I still get affected by what ppl say to me in game

Context: So basically i was playing this game and we were losing then someone said the word "Awge" i didn't know what it meant and i was curious so i sent back "?". They sent the same word again and when i asked what it meant they said "I'd find out soon enough" Now i felt tilted because i felt like it was pity , and not the good kind of pity that makes you feel like you're fighting a Respectable Opponent, The ones that also hate the fact your teammate Alt-f4'd in rage or cuz they didn't like the team, and/or Someone who wants you to get better in the mist of the battle even though you both are enemies. It felt like a pity that was as if they were looking down on me... and i couldn't do shit about it... and at the end of the match at the last second they spaced my GT (SadCrow0) to say "Sad Crow" and send it as a message in chat. when i realized they were mocking me... idk if its the sleep deprivation or just me playing the game for too long but... tbh part of me wanted to cry. Not cuz we lost the game (I learned a lot from there top frag it was nice watching and adapting to their playstyle even if i lost), it wasn't it because i was Mid-Frag, nor was it because i couldn't' t get the upper hand at the end (12-12 Endgame).... I think its cause i was tired, Tired of trying and trying to get better as a Sentinel(Cypher main) so i can help my team and perfect my aim so i can win more gun fights only to be seen as less than or be told not by words but by tone "Aw look the Noob is trying their hardest to win"... it hurts ya know And y'all can Say "Skill issue" or "Womp Womp" all ya want, I'm still gonna keep fucking going so i can reach my goal of (Gold) but i... The Question im asking: i just want to know how to not get affected by lil shit like this yk so i don't feel like i gotta get off after seeing one insult hurled at me in a match while I'm already down losing.
27 Replies
CroimeOP6mo ago
Yeah srry about the 5 paragraph essay... i am not ok rn
Geniux6mo ago
just mute them :uhm:
CroimeOP6mo ago
I do that but i ment like the lingering stuff Mainly just like the words they said still saying in ya head
Geniux6mo ago
nothing i can do against the voices in your head cant help with that
CroimeOP6mo ago
fair enough thanks anyways ill probs make some hotdogs
Geniux6mo ago
mmhm hotdogs pls send picture here, i need one
호나6mo ago
Like genz said mentallity is mostly something you can work on yourself what i will suggest tho is to care less about winning (Doesnt mean you dont have to try to play good) and care more about have fun while doing so, play swiftplay get someone who also wants to hve fun (BUT STILL PLAY SERIOUSLY),
CroimeOP6mo ago
Yeah ill try that i alr try to stop careing abt winning
호나6mo ago
One more thing, your physical rank actaully just does not matter at all so thats another reason to stop caring
CroimeOP6mo ago
Oh that i def do lol I may have a goal to reach gold but im gonna try to not care while i do it but still play at my best
Geniux6mo ago
you got this
호나6mo ago
^^^ please find a duo in swiftplay tho one that makes you enjoy the game
CroimeOP6mo ago
i read that as the other one (the 5 round gamemode) i genuenly hate playing that one while it is short its... never fun to pracitce or play in.
호나6mo ago
the thing is its the best way to find nice people to play with most fun / chill ppl play swift
CroimeOP6mo ago
I got ppl like that but they silver/gold Which is why im trying to get of being stuck in b3
호나6mo ago
oh youre b3 what agent do you play?
CroimeOP6mo ago
Cypher (im gonna start looking up Setups so i dont keep experimenting... it wont be fun but it'll be worth if tho.)
호나6mo ago
CroimeOP6mo ago
YEAHHHHHH I Love to play back for info and support team, im not so great when playing aggro but i will if i have to which is why im trying to perfect my aim so i wont just be relying on my kit. other than that thanks... Im gonna take a break for now OH 1 LAST QUESTION What does "Awge" mean?
776mo ago
just call em broke bro deadass
Cheeks6mo ago
bro js say this "you and i are playing val in the same time and same game. what you say applies to you as well you clown" then mute them
호나6mo ago
well it's not a common slur or English so I'm guessing it's either a diff language or smth made up
CroimeOP6mo ago
Lol naw I'm terrible at roasting ppl lol I'll try that I'm guessing made up Cuz I'm trying to learn Spanish.
호나6mo ago
oooohhh how do u say I hate you
CroimeOP6mo ago
Idk I've only just started
호나6mo ago
sad :(
CroimeOP6mo ago

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