Created by meta_leap on 11/8/2023 in #✋|help
DB: Services gets the right env var value, private networking enabled on both, still not reachable
Both my postgres:latest instance and my service have private networking enabled, and are in the same project. My service also receives correctly the DATABASE_PRIVATE_URL env var, because its connection error message reads: failed to connect to 'host=postgres.railway.internal user=postgres database=railway': hostname resolving error (lookup postgres.railway.internal on no such host) What might I be missing still? That's all the setup I have for DB and all I thought necessary =)
(For whoever is curious and has access, that project is ) Probably very related: right now I'm pushing a pre-built binary without a Dockerfile (so nix buildCmd just chmod+x) so I'm not sure about the resolv.conf situation pertaining to the container that Railway's server-side redeploy run then seemingly generates...
19 replies
Created by meta_leap on 11/8/2023 in #✋|help
CLI: no files in local dir after `link` and `service` to new-from-template service, so... no `run`..
Just found Railway, digging it! CLI newb question: so in my first local test-project dir I did my first railway login and railway link and railway service without errors, but the dir is empty. That service was created straight from simple minimalist Go template and I kinda thought I'd see those few files in the local dir now. (So I'd tweak them over iteratively to my actual codebase =) Looks like I misunderstood the CLI/local-dir approach. What am I missing? (Naturally, doing the readme's final railway run go run main.go step just results in stat main.go: no such file or directory...)
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