Created by David on 3/22/2024 in #❓・help
Nuxt 2 and Directus SDK, not loading CommonJS module
Hello ! I'm trying to use the Directus SDK with the latest version of Nuxt 2. I am getting this error :
require() of ES Module /node_modules/@directus/sdk/dist/index.js from /node_modules/vue-server-renderer/build.dev.js not supported.
Instead change the require of index.js in /node_modules/vue-server-renderer/build.dev.js to a dynamic import() which is available in all CommonJS modules.
require() of ES Module /node_modules/@directus/sdk/dist/index.js from /node_modules/vue-server-renderer/build.dev.js not supported.
Instead change the require of index.js in /node_modules/vue-server-renderer/build.dev.js to a dynamic import() which is available in all CommonJS modules.
The Directus SDK has an index.cjs file and I don't understand why vue-server-renderer tries to load the ES module instead of the CommonJS file. I don't have "type": "module" in my package.json. I even tried to set "type": "commonjs", but it still behaves the same. Has anyone had that same kind of issue and would know about a trick to get it to work?
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