•Created by Keshawn on 5/13/2024 in #đŸ™‹questions
I added this route to main.wasp,
route QuizRoute { path: "/quiz/:id", to: QuizPage }
page QuizPage {
authRequired: true,
component: import DemoAppPage from "@src/client/app/QuizPage"
When I try connecting to this route, I get an error, <Link to='/quiz/2'>
I am getting this error, types.d.ts(13, 9): The expected type comes from property 'to' which is declared here on type 'IntrinsicAttributes & (Omit<LinkProps<unknown> & RefAttributes<HTMLAnchorElement>, "to"> & { search?: Record<...> | undefined; hash?: string | undefined; } & Routes)'
(property) to: "/quiz/2"
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