SVG A elements not created correctly
Tangently, does typescript provide any JSX typing that you could say when a sibling of <svg> this tag applies, I ask, because I've seen tags behave differently in terms of required props in different circumstances, for example <Field> of modular forms is smart enough (TS typing i guess) to make the 'of' prop optional if a child of <Form>
12 replies
SSR and routes in Solid.JS
I imagine it is possible, I would be surprised if it wasn't, but why would you want to do all the route plumbing to/from express routing yourself? is using express's route engine a necessity? otherwise (all the routing magic for both server and client side all ready for you) and for routes that are only server side
10 replies
SSR and routes in Solid.JS is probably a better place to start
10 replies
Make createMemo depend on unmentioned signal
with [...list] it will evaluate every single time you setArticles if [...list] is the argument, with equals: false it will evaluate every single time too, but without the allocation of a new list
23 replies
Make createMemo depend on unmentioned signal
you also could potential change equals: to false on your signal - presuming you are actually setting it and not just mutating the article array without calling setSignal - this will run the effects even if the equality check is true
23 replies
How would you go about Font Awesome icons? is another one with straight forward click to copy to clipboard
3 replies