Created by fragerdaz on 7/9/2023 in #support
refetch() from child component
Thanks, @modderme123 !
3 replies
Created by fragerdaz on 7/8/2023 in #support
onMount() vs addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded')
Is that different from listening to DOMContentLoaded inside components? (like the row component you mention)
3 replies
Created by fragerdaz on 7/8/2023 in #support
render(() => { <Component />, element }) throws an error when including props
I stand corrected... I removed the curly braces to write the following: render(() => <Component id='xyz'/>, element ) and it worked. Thanks @._rb !
6 replies
Created by fragerdaz on 7/8/2023 in #support
render(() => { <Component />, element }) throws an error when including props
If I don't use curly braces, I have to pass the argument as just a name (i.e. "Component"), not the component itself (i.e. <Component />). If I only pass the name, how can I include props?
6 replies