Created by Jake Brooks on 6/6/2024 in #community-showcase
A Complex Math Library for Mojo
I'm interested how confident you are with complex math on integer valued variables eg int8, i.e are any conversions to float gonna happen under the hood for trigonometry for instance ?
9 replies
Created by Jack Clayton on 5/11/2024 in #community-showcase
Lightbug HTTP: Mojo web framework
I've just given it a try but it seems to crash real quick with my test client indeed. One thing I do notice is that while I am sending "Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream'", the lightbug server reports: "Content-Type: text/plain" and also while I send 1000 byte packet body lightbug server reports "Content-Length: 998". Maybe this is stuff I should comment in the pull request ticket
57 replies
Created by Jack Clayton on 5/11/2024 in #community-showcase
Lightbug HTTP: Mojo web framework
okay @a2svior as soon as I have upgraded to 24.4 I will give it a go !
57 replies
Created by Jack Clayton on 5/11/2024 in #community-showcase
Lightbug HTTP: Mojo web framework
Hi @a2svior I myself stay on stable builds rather than nightly to avoid unexpected time lost any given day. Eg now I am on v24.3.0. Are you saying your fixes/improvements won't be compatible with that Mojo version ?
57 replies
Created by Jack Clayton on 5/11/2024 in #community-showcase
Lightbug HTTP: Mojo web framework
hi @a2svior I was wondering whether you have made any progress on the speedup exercise for large message sizes ? Are you close to a solution ? If not, I may have to fork and hack/slash myself in order to meet my project deadline
57 replies
Created by Jack Clayton on 5/11/2024 in #community-showcase
Lightbug HTTP: Mojo web framework
@a2svior I updated the ticket with test client and server code and corresponding results obtained on my machine. Happy hunting !
57 replies
Created by Jack Clayton on 5/11/2024 in #community-showcase
Lightbug HTTP: Mojo web framework
The way I see it the biggest impediment to Mojo adoption is that it is not taking care of IO. Wonderful if you can demonstrate a fast algorithm on a file or data in RAM. Now how do we get that into a microservices oriented ecosystem because no, we don't all want to go rewrite all of the existing code in C, C++ etc in pure mojo. Real programs act on real data coming from the external world and send the result back to the real world, preferably at the same whopping speed of the algorithm itself.
57 replies
Created by Jack Clayton on 5/11/2024 in #community-showcase
Lightbug HTTP: Mojo web framework
I would LOVE grpc support over plain HTTP every day, if that is within your roadmap ideas that would be fantastic.
57 replies
Created by Jack Clayton on 5/11/2024 in #community-showcase
Lightbug HTTP: Mojo web framework
sounds good. I am happy to post my test client code eg in a github issue that exists or one that you create for it, let me know
57 replies
Created by Jack Clayton on 5/11/2024 in #community-showcase
Lightbug HTTP: Mojo web framework
Hello @a2svior , me again 😉 So I have finally found some time to do speed benchmarking with the simplest possible lightbug server that mimicks the behaviour I ultimately need from my lightbug version of the decoder This simple lightbug server just sends back the received packet wrapped in an OK() message. I have a test client that sends packets in a loop to this server, and it measures the elapsed time. What I found is as I increase the size of the packet, with a lightbug server the packet rate decreases rapidly whereas with a flask or fastapi python server that does the same job, the packet rate decreases much less. Again I don't want to just go ahead and create a GIT issue for this as I realise that large binary HTTP packets (up to several 100kByte) were probably not what you had in mind for lightbug. Please advise.
57 replies
Created by Jack Clayton on 5/11/2024 in #community-showcase
Lightbug HTTP: Mojo web framework
hi @a2svior I confirm (2) is fixed also on my system with those fixes you made. Many thanks !!
57 replies
Created by Jack Clayton on 5/11/2024 in #community-showcase
Lightbug HTTP: Mojo web framework
Done !
57 replies
Created by Jack Clayton on 5/11/2024 in #community-showcase
Lightbug HTTP: Mojo web framework
that's awesome @a2svior. Descriptions are capturing the ideas well. (2) is the most critical and urgent one as it actually stops me from being able to use Mocodes in my application and I don't have enough HTTP/sockets knowledge myself to go fix it. Having said that, I took a stab at (1) myself by simply changing the HTTPService trait func(self, ...) to func(inout self,...) but then ran into issues with rValue and mutability in server.mojo which I did not know how to circumvent.
57 replies
Created by Jack Clayton on 5/11/2024 in #community-showcase
Lightbug HTTP: Mojo web framework
Last, my application actually does numerical work on Int8 bytes. So I think if there would be a way that Bytes() could actually be a DTypePointer into Int8 rather than a List of Int8, might be beneficial for my application even though List has this scary "steal_data" functionality
57 replies
Created by Jack Clayton on 5/11/2024 in #community-showcase
Lightbug HTTP: Mojo web framework
Second one, my test client sends POST messages of a certain length L (smaller than 4096 bytes). Is there a way for the serving handler only to be called when the full L bytes have been received on the socket ? Mostly that is the case but random occurences happen whereby func() is called on body with unexpected length way smaller than L (requiring me to keep even more local state).
57 replies
Created by Jack Clayton on 5/11/2024 in #community-showcase
Lightbug HTTP: Mojo web framework
A couple of questions which I don't know are worth filing change requests for. First one is I actually needed HttpService's func to be allowed to change self (essentially to keep state over incoming requests). For now solved that through pointers but would be easier if I could just change some self.counter value from func.
57 replies
Created by Jack Clayton on 5/11/2024 in #community-showcase
Lightbug HTTP: Mojo web framework
hi, I have been experimenting with Lightbug as a serving interface for
57 replies
Created by Jack Clayton on 5/11/2024 in #community-showcase
Feedback on new #community channel
10 replies
Created by Martin Dudek on 4/16/2024 in #questions
splitting vectorize and parallelize
In our MoCodes project heavy lifting functions we had foreseen vectorized inner loop and parallel outer loop from the getgo, yet had to discover that setting num_workers to 1 (effectively disabling parallellism completely) for the outer loop lead to best performance, despite the fact that on a GPU you would definitely want the outer loop to be executed by hundreds of threads in parallel. Discovered that through profiling and noticing a big percentage of time being spent in sync_wait. Guess our core functions don't perform a big enough job. Had to take parallellism one macro level higher using it only for sub- batching the batch of to be decoded words.
11 replies
Created by Maxim on 1/17/2024 in #questions
how to use the gather function
Great, thanks Leandro. I wonder how mojo handles this with large vectors of offset values (much larger than simdwidth), and whether we'd be supposed to break up that large vectors in chunks. I.e does it do what tf.gather() does well under the hood.
6 replies