Created by alain on 6/3/2024 in #questions
Stackdumps when using Python libraries such as scipy from mojo
Anybody else seeing random stackdumps happening when using eg scipy PythonObjects ? I'm using scipy.sparse.load_npz, csr_matrix() etc from Mojo. Quite frequently (but not always) I get stackdumps when running the code with mojo mymojo.mojo.
2 replies
Created by alain on 1/16/2024 in #questions
initialise variadiclist with a python tuple I have some python code that works on the basis of a file on disk and generates a python tuple 'mytuple' based on that file content. Next I load and run this python code from a mojo file. In the mojo code I want to use 'mytuple' to initialise a variadiclist. Something like: alias a: VariadicList[Int] = mytuple. The intention is to pass 'a' as a compile time parameter to a function fn myfunctiona: VariadicList[Int]
3 replies
Created by alain on 9/9/2023 in #questions
in-place Relu operation on a matrix struct in memory
What would be the optimal portable way to code in mojo the Relu operation on a matrix struct sitting in memory (eg the struct you use in your matmul example), noting that tpu and gpu and cpu may or may not have relu arithmetic blocks on-chip
2 replies