Created by bedo_khaled0 on 6/15/2023 in #✋|help
Help configuring DNS records on cloudflare for my hosted railway app
my current setup is the following : - I have a registered domain on Godaddy -I have a custom domain configured on railway (should i also add ?) and it detects the cloudflare proxy - I have added my domain to cloudflare and and moved my namservers from Godaddy to Cloudflare - cloudflar proxy is enabled and SSL also - I added the CNAME record provided by railway (which appears after generating the custom domain) to my DNS records on cloudflare, didn't work Initially my DNS records were automatically retrieved from Godaddy, but the thing is i changed them so many times and nothing worked. These errors occur in the browser as i change the records: ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN Note: there is a lot of config and details related to my problem, so please tell me what relevant information should i add to my post will appreciate any help ! because i'm really stuck and confusing
119 replies
Created by bedo_khaled0 on 6/14/2023 in #✋|help
connecting custom godaddy domain to railway web app
Is using cloudflare the only way to make this work? I followed the same config as explained in the first answer here but didn't work for me, gave me be bad request when i try to access my custom domain
7 replies