Created by Sebastian on 11/15/2024 in #❓・help
How do i prevent useCookie from doing stuff on SSR?
Hi! Is it possible to make useCookie only run on the client?
8 replies
Created by Sebastian on 10/1/2024 in #❓・help
Accessing variables created by external scripts inside of nuxt
This might be something that is not possible, but is there a way to access a variable created by an external script that runs after the app has been created? Some external stuff connect to the window object, but this specific script (sitegainer/symplify) does not. It has an object that i need to access from Nuxt.
1 replies
Created by Sebastian on 7/4/2023 in #❓・help
wss fails while using ngrok
Cant seem to figure this one out. When you start a nuxt3 application everything should be routed correctly through ngrok so that everything works as expected, but hmr through the websocket fails. I have tested it using vite, and there it works. Anyone has any ideas? The issues on github doesnt help.
1 replies