Fabio Umpierre
Fabio Umpierre
Created by Fabio Umpierre on 2/16/2024 in #❓┊help
Difficulty creating a filter with a relationship using getTableFilters
Good afternoon everyone, how are you? I'm trying to make a filter between my instances and subscription table Here is my relationship: public function subscript() { return $this->belongsTo(Subscription::class, 'id', ['installable_id']); } getTableQuery and filter: public function getTableQuery(): Builder { return Instance::where('business_id', Business::current()->id)->where('name', '!=', 'IA Instance'); } public function getTableFilters(): array { return [ SelectFilter::make('subscript') ->options(SubscriptionStatus::options()) ->label('Status') ->relationship('subscript', 'status'), ]; } query obtained: select count(*) as aggregate from instances Where business_id = 1 and name != 'IA Instance' and ( exists ( select * from subscriptions Where instances.id = subscriptions.installable_id and subscriptions.installable_id = 'active' ) ) 'active' would be one of the selectFilter options problem: Only the ending is wrong and should be: and subscriptions.status = 'active' what am I wrong? Note: I'm using v2 of the filament
3 replies
Created by Fabio Umpierre on 2/15/2024 in #❓┊help
Call to undefined method Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\MorphOne::getQualifiedOwnerKeyName()
model instance public function subscription() { return $this->morphOne(Subscription::class, 'installable'); } public function getTableQuery(): Builder { return Instance::where('business_id', Business::current()->id)->where('name', '!=', 'Instância IA'); } public function getTableFilters(): array { return [ SelectFilter::make('subscription')->relationship('subscription', 'status') ]; } I'm getting this error in getTableFilter, has anyone experienced this?
1 replies
Created by Fabio Umpierre on 1/30/2024 in #❓┊help
modal opens in the same step when closed without reloading the page
Good afternoon everyone, how are you? I have a modal that, when opened, displays a qr-code and an option to receive a code If I click on receive the code, it goes to a second modal to enter the phone number, and the third shows the code on the screen. The problem is that when I close the modal in the second or third step, and open it again, it should return to step 1, but it opens exactly where I closed it with all the information. This only doesn't happen if I close the modal, reload the page and then open it again the code is in an attached file
3 replies
Created by Fabio Umpierre on 12/11/2023 in #❓┊help
functionality to skip pages in getTableColumns records.
No description
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Created by Fabio Umpierre on 10/31/2023 in #❓┊help
Hinticon tooltip argument is not recognized
Good evening everyone, how are you? I'm trying to create a tooltip with filament, but the tooltip argument where the tooltip text is passed is not recognized, I took it straight from the documentation. Any idea what's going on? TextInput::make('assistent.group_name') ->placeholder(('assistent::setup.one.form.placeholder.group_name')) ->label(('assistent::setup.one.form.label.group_name')) ->hintIcon('heroicon-o-question-mark-circle', tooltip: 'test') error: Unknown named parameter $tooltip
9 replies
Created by Fabio Umpierre on 8/14/2023 in #❓┊help
it is possible to adjust the position of a column heading
4 replies
Created by Fabio Umpierre on 8/14/2023 in #❓┊help
Call custom modal inside getTableActions
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