Call custom modal inside getTableActions

afternoon guys, all right? trying to call a modal inside an action: protected function getTableActions(): array { return [ Action::make('delete') ->icon('heroicon-o-trash') ->action(function (User $record) { $this->users()->delete($record);}) ->modalContent(fn ($record) => view('core::livewire.user.delete', ['record' => $record])) ]; } however, when clicking on the action button, the modal comes empty as in the image. modal code: <div> <x-modal.card title="{{ ('core::core.remove_access') }}" wire:model.defer="show"> <div class="card light text-center space-y-4"> <p class="subtitle">{{ ('core::core.delete_user_access_confirm_message') }}</p> <p class="subtitle">{{ ('core::core.user_to_be_removed') }}</p> <h5>sasasaas</h5> <div class="space-y-2"> <x-label for="password" class="text-center">{{ ('core::core.input.password.label') }}:</x-label> <x-input id="password" class="text-center" wire:model.defer="password" type="password" placeholder="**"/> </div> </div> <x-slot name="footer"> <div class="flex justify-end gap-x-4"> <x-button md secondary label="{{ ('core::core.buttons.cancel') }}" x-on:click="close"/> <x-button md negative label="{{ ('core::core.remove_user') }}" wire:click="destroy()"/> </div> </x-slot> </x-modal.card> @empty($slot) @else {{$slot}} @endempty </div> Replace the modal code with this: <x-filament::modal> <x-slot name="trigger"> <x-filament::button> open modal </x-filament::button> </x-slot> {{-- Modal content --}} </x-filament::modal> that way I know the modal path is correct. I also tried to redo my modal using this tag, but without success!
1 Reply
Patrick Boivin
Can you make the modal work with a simple Blade view, something with just a <p> tag maybe? I get a feeling the content could be the problem.

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