Created by ba_mbi_07 on 12/18/2023 in #❓┊help
can we add job when uploading large size files in file upload
This is my code.. When i am uploading larger size its taking too much time and still not uploading after more than 5mins ..can we add job for uploading file
->label('Upload Video')
->label('Upload Video')
27 replies
Created by ba_mbi_07 on 11/9/2023 in #❓┊help
reordering is not working if table has uuid primary column
I have a table with a UUID as the primary key and an integer column for positions. While trying to reorder the positions in my resource, I've encountered an issue where the reordering is not working Is there any solution for this?
8 replies
Created by ba_mbi_07 on 10/25/2023 in #❓┊help
how to get upload video duration
i am uploading video to s3 using filament file upload i have a duration where i need to store video duration there any way i can get duration of my video
3 replies
Created by ba_mbi_07 on 9/18/2023 in #❓┊help
return custom table widget in action
can we return a table widget here instead of form
// ...
// ...
2 replies
Created by ba_mbi_07 on 9/17/2023 in #❓┊help
how to customize your svg for icon in v3
in v2 i was using blade.php for svg and used that navigation icon
protected static function getNavigationIcon(): string
return "icons.coachIcon";
protected static function getNavigationIcon(): string
return "icons.coachIcon";
how to do that in v3
3 replies
Created by ba_mbi_07 on 9/8/2023 in #❓┊help
Hide default table in list page
I want to hide default table in page instead of that i need to show 3 widgets that possible..Or i can do this keep default list table and two more table widhet keep these three in same line
5 replies
Created by ba_mbi_07 on 9/6/2023 in #❓┊help
real time data from database in form builder
We have poll for table builder do we something like that form builder i want to use that so i do not have to refresh the page everytime
7 replies
Created by ba_mbi_07 on 8/10/2023 in #❓┊help
Adding condition for reordering
9 replies
Created by ba_mbi_07 on 7/14/2023 in #❓┊help
Edit profile issue
5 replies
Created by ba_mbi_07 on 7/10/2023 in #❓┊help
getting issue in repeater while generating dynamic field
this is my repeater field
->afterStateUpdated(function ($set, $state) {
if ($state === 'select' || $state === 'radio') {
$set('field_options', []);
->schema(function (Closure $get) use ($form) {
$field_type = $get('field_type');
$optional_fields = self::getOptionalFieldsFormSchema($field_type, $form);
return $optional_fields;
->afterStateUpdated(function ($set, $state) {
if ($state === 'select' || $state === 'radio') {
$set('field_options', []);
->schema(function (Closure $get) use ($form) {
$field_type = $get('field_type');
$optional_fields = self::getOptionalFieldsFormSchema($field_type, $form);
return $optional_fields;
I have a select field where users can choose a field type. Based on the selected field type, the form dynamically generates different types of fields. The code successfully generates the fields, but there is an issue when I choose a specific field type (e.g., text field), enter some data into the generated text field, and then choose a different field type from the select field. In this case, the data I entered in the text field before changing the field type is still retained. This issue occurs when the fields are located inside a repeater the code works fine if fields are outside repeater
4 replies
Created by ba_mbi_07 on 7/7/2023 in #❓┊help
Is there any text field where we can take multiple inputs
I want to take multiple inputs and it will store the data in json
11 replies
Created by ba_mbi_07 on 7/7/2023 in #❓┊help
TagsInput not displaying
public static function testingTag($getData)
if ($getData == "tag") {
return TagsInput::make('testing');
if ($getData == "text") {
return TextInput::make("testing");
return Select::make('testing');

->schema(function (Closure $get) use ($form) {
$responseForm = [];

$select = Select::make('tagTest')
"tag" => "Tag",
"select" => "Select",
"text" => "text",

$responseForm[] = $select;
$tagTest = $get('tagTest');
if ($tagTest) {
$responseForm[] = self::testingTag($tagTest);

return $responseForm;
public static function testingTag($getData)
if ($getData == "tag") {
return TagsInput::make('testing');
if ($getData == "text") {
return TextInput::make("testing");
return Select::make('testing');

->schema(function (Closure $get) use ($form) {
$responseForm = [];

$select = Select::make('tagTest')
"tag" => "Tag",
"select" => "Select",
"text" => "text",

$responseForm[] = $select;
$tagTest = $get('tagTest');
if ($tagTest) {
$responseForm[] = self::testingTag($tagTest);

return $responseForm;
i want to testing field based on what I am selecting in tagTest select field while other field is working fine but the TagsInput is not displaying
5 replies
Created by ba_mbi_07 on 6/27/2023 in #❓┊help
stats design in filament
12 replies
Created by ba_mbi_07 on 6/16/2023 in #❓┊help
reordering based on condition
57 replies
Created by ba_mbi_07 on 6/13/2023 in #❓┊help
fileupload issue preview issue
i have set APP_URL= in .env and i have also done php artisan storage:link And uploading image like this
->label("Upload Profile Image")
->afterStateHydrated(function ($record, $component) {
if ($record && $record->termmeta->where('meta_key', "kheltag_profile_image")->first()?->meta_value) {
return $component->state([$record->termmeta->where('meta_key', "kheltag_profile_image")->first()?->meta_value]);
->label("Upload Profile Image")
->afterStateHydrated(function ($record, $component) {
if ($record && $record->termmeta->where('meta_key', "kheltag_profile_image")->first()?->meta_value) {
return $component->state([$record->termmeta->where('meta_key', "kheltag_profile_image")->first()?->meta_value]);
but while previewing i am getting this error 404 not found error
16 replies
Created by ba_mbi_07 on 6/8/2023 in #❓┊help
record of custom page to widget
How to access $record in widget while widget is registered in custom pages
19 replies
Created by ba_mbi_07 on 5/25/2023 in #❓┊help
hiding create & createAnother
I want to hide create & createAnother button in relation manager how to do that ??
2 replies
Created by ba_mbi_07 on 5/23/2023 in #❓┊help
how to resources field data in model
I need resources form field data in my model boot method but those field data is not related to that model so i cannot get those data in model attributes how to get those that
4 replies
Created by ba_mbi_07 on 5/17/2023 in #❓┊help
Swapping two values in list record
6 replies
Created by ba_mbi_07 on 5/11/2023 in #❓┊help
unique is not working
28 replies