My Django App is down (not responding) and deployments fail at creating containers
I have 4 apps in Railway and one is not responding. I tried a new deployment too and it is stuck at deployment step but there is no error in the logs. Thanks for your help
#🚨|incidents #✋|#help
4 replies
Railway volumes in Django not working as expected
Hello! I added a Volume to my Django project on Railway for persistent storage of PDF-Generated files. I set the mount path to /media. From what I read, there will be a media folder in the base directory (or maybe I need to create one if it does not exist) where the data will be persisted. However when I deploy changes all the files are lost. When I try to access a file using os.path.join('media', 'hello.pdf') I get a file does not exist error. I don't know if I am missing something.
11 replies
How to stop celery worker in my project?
Hello. I hope you're doing well. I have a django project running along with a celery worker for executing bg tasks. The code for starting the worker is in my profile like so:
Web: celery -A config worker --loglevel=info --concurrency=4 & python migrate && gunicorn config.wsgi --bind$PORT
Now how do I remove all running tasks and restart the worker afresh?
8 replies