Created by jlumos on 6/24/2023 in #✋|help
Private networking issue
Hi! I am trying to use Private networking. I've activated it and now I have a service A calling service B using railway's provided internal hostname. But I am receiving this error using that private name: Connection refused: back-end-pizza-catalogue.railway.internal/[fd12:2173:134d:0:0:f:e527:c377]:443 Just to clarify, the application is working using public networking and public railway's hostnames. May be an issue with the port? :/
58 replies
Created by jlumos on 3/26/2023 in #✋|help
Spring Eureka & Cloud Gateway and microservice resolution
I have deployed a three-service project which contains: - Eureka Server - Spring Cloud gateway (api gw, reverse proxy) - 1 API Microservice Both gateway and microservice are being registered by Eureka, so, the connectivity works in this case. But, I am trying to access my microservice through the proxy and then my proxy receives a connection time out trying to reach the microservice. I've seen this thread which is exactly my problem but the solution is not working.... any idea? any spring expert? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/74534610/error-500-on-spring-cloud-gateway-finishconnect-on-heroku
39 replies
Created by jlumos on 3/25/2023 in #✋|help
Usage and Bills without any active deploy
I have one project created (Spring Boot Eureka). I have deployed it succesfully, but now 0 deployments are live. I removed them. Surprisingly, my usage is growing (nothing important, just $0.0038). Do I need to completely delete the app in order to stop adding expenses? Thanks in advance
27 replies