Created by Codeline on 7/7/2024 in #questions
PlotSquared V7 from source
Hi all, Is it allowed to use PlotSquared V7 (compiled from source) to build up a server without having bought it on SpigotMC? I am only talking about the first time, because I'm in a quite tricky private situation and it may take a few months until I'm able to buy PlotSquared. BUT I want to buy it as soon as possible. The question is, if I'm allowed to use the self compiled version on the server later on. Thank you all for helping! I hate piracy and I am not planning to do it (like running the server for years without buying it on SpigotMC...).
11 replies
Created by Codeline on 7/7/2024 in #questions
Any good Free server hosts?
Hi guys, What free Minecraft server providers are recommendable? Thank you all a lot!
4 replies