Question on filaments admin panel logout
On my application i would like the user to be gracefully logged when when the they "log out" when their session has expired/cookies removed from browser
However my application throws a 419 because the logout request is a post and uses a CSRF token and i have no valid CSRF token anymore
However filaments admin panel logout is also a post with a CSRF and i do not get a 419 when logging out of filament after removing all my cookies
My question is how does filament gracefully do this while still usind a CSRF in the form request?
1 replies
How do i prevent an action modal from closing the modal on submit
How do i prevent an action modal from from closing the modal on submit
->action(function ($action, Order $record, $livewire, $data) {
if ($something) { //add custom error and dont close modal }
if ($something) { //add custom error and dont close modal }
5 replies
Is it possible to call a header action from a resource list page (that opens a modal)
Ive placed this in my resources list page
protected function getHeaderActions(): array
return [
->action(function (array $data, Organisation $record): void {
But im getting an error - Unknown named parameter $mountedAction
which is coming from -
filament-tables/ index.blade.php
My question is it is possible to open cusotm modal action on a list page?
2 replies
RichEditor gives 403 on production
In our system we use RichEditor to save links
However on production/live site we receive a 403 on livewire/update if our RichEditor contains a link (<a href..)
Does the rich editor need specific file access when working with/saving links?
2 replies
Change side group "open" button
In docs there is an alias for the sidebar group collapse button:
panels::sidebar.group.collapse-button - Collapse button for a sidebar group
But is there a way i can target and change the button that opens the sidebar group when closed?1 replies
Register custom resource pages on the side navigation
Hey - having trouble trying register a resource custom page in the side menu navigation
This is achievable if i manually create the navigation item in the
but would rather not have to do that
Things i've tried adding to the resource custom page class:
protected static ?string $navigationGroup = 'Orders';
But that doesn't seem to work however.
Are my only options here making it a standalone Page (not associated to resource) or manually adding a nav item to AdminPanelProvider
?3 replies