Is it possible to call a header action from a resource list page (that opens a modal)

Ive placed this in my resources list page protected function getHeaderActions(): array { return [ \Filament\Actions\Action::make('create_vendor_group') ->form([ Select::make('organisation') ->label('Author') ->options(app(OrganisationRepository::class)->getSelectArray()) ->required(), ]) ->action(function (array $data, Organisation $record): void { $record->author()->associate($data['authorId']); $record->save(); }) ]; } But im getting an error - Unknown named parameter $mountedAction which is coming from -   filament-tables/ index.blade.php   My question is it is possible to open cusotm modal action on a list page?
1 Reply
LeandroFerreira12mo ago
this is correct. I guess the error isn't related with this action

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