Bruno Njeru
•Created by Bruno Njeru on 12/30/2024 in #🙋questions
Browser error
im gettting this error and the app wont load in my browser when i run wasp start (the error is too long to display here )
[ Client!] Error in error handler:
[ Client!] Error: offset is longer than source length! offset 7567 > length 6180
[ Client!] at numberToPos (file:///home/faith/testsaas/app/.wasp/out/web-app/node_modules/vite/dist/node/chunks/dep-0AosnpPU.js:9861:11)
[ Client!] at TransformPluginContext._formatError (file:///home/faith/testsaas/app/.wasp/out/web-app/node_modules/vite/dist/node/chunks/dep-0AosnpPU.js:47389:25)
[ Client!] at TransformPluginContext.error (file:///home/faith/testsaas/app/.wasp/out/web-app/node_modules/vite/dist/node/chunks/dep-0AosnpPU.js:47372:16)
[ Client!] at EnvironmentPluginContainer.transform (file:///home/faith/testsaas/app/.wasp/out/web-app/node_modules/vite/dist/node/chunks/dep-0AosnpPU.js:47223:13)
[ Client!] at async loadAndTransform (file:///home/faith/testsaas/app/.wasp/out/web-app/node_modules/vite/dist/node/chunks/dep-0AosnpPU.js:41030:27)
[ Client!] at async viteTransformMiddleware (file:///home/faith/testsaas/app/.wasp/out/web-app/node_modules/vite/dist/node/chunks/dep-0AosnpPU.js:42474:24)
[ Client!]
[ Client!] 2:13:39 PM [vite] Internal server error: [postcss] Unexpected token, expected "]" (316:11)
[ Client!] Plugin: vite:css
[ Client!] File: /home/faith/testsaas/app/src/client/Main.css:undefined:NaN
[ Client!] at unexpected (/home/faith/testsaas/app/node_modules/sucrase/dist/parser/traverser/util.js:99:15)
[ Client!] at expect (/home/faith/testsaas/app/node_modules/sucrase/dist/parser/traverser/util.js:86:5)
[ Client!] at parsePropertyName (/home/faith/testsaas/app/node_modules/sucrase/dist/parser/traverser/expression.js:903:18)
9 replies
•Created by Bruno Njeru on 12/11/2024 in #🙋questions
database migration
i made changes to the prisma.schema models and the dbSeeds.ts functions by adding more models and more fields. when i run wasp db migrate-dev i get an error.
⚠️ We found changes that cannot be executed:
• Step 0 Added the required column
to the Product
table without a default value. There are 70 rows in this table, it is not possible to execute this step.
im trying to delete the old database entries on wasp db studio but i also can't. iss there a way around this?8 replies
•Created by Bruno Njeru on 12/3/2024 in #🙋questions
[ Wasp ] ext-src/products/operations.ts(97,42): error TS2339: Property 'Product' does not exist on type '{ Review: ReviewDelegate<DefaultArgs>; }'.
why am i getting this error? How should i create the entities?
11 replies
•Created by Bruno Njeru on 11/30/2024 in #🙋questions
User context
How do I add contexts for different types of users? For example user type a (normal user), user type b and user type c (both with a dashboard like admin)?
19 replies