Created by on 6/15/2024 in #help
✅ Problem with Data Binding
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25 replies
Created by on 5/25/2024 in #help
✅ Help with XAML
I have a problem while designing my UI, I'm creating a panel (the app has dynamic UI so that it can fit any resolution) for the sake of simplicity let's say I have a bunch of buttons (quite big in size) inside a wrap panel so that the content is adjusted when the app is resized, but the problem is if the app is resized and there is not enough space to hold a button on the same row of the wrap panel it leaves a blank space until there is enough room to fit that button, so my question is, is there any way I can somehow extend the buttons to fill out that gap and then return to their original width once there is enough room to hold one more button in the wrap panel?
12 replies
Created by on 5/1/2024 in #help
✅ Powershell SDK error on .Net 8
Hey, so I've been trying to invoke a powershell command using the Powershell SDK for .Net 8 but it seems to throw an error saying Windows.Web.dll wasn't found?
18 replies
Created by on 4/24/2024 in #help
✅ Help with xmlserialization
Hi, so I've installed this library called SpeedTestSharp to run a Internet Speed Test through my app, but as soon as the test starts it throws me this error:
System.IO.FileNotFoundException: 'Could not load file or assembly 'SpeedTestSharp.XmlSerializers, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null, processorArchitecture=MSIL'. The system cannot find the file specified.'
System.IO.FileNotFoundException: 'Could not load file or assembly 'SpeedTestSharp.XmlSerializers, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null, processorArchitecture=MSIL'. The system cannot find the file specified.'
Any idea why?
4 replies
Created by on 4/13/2024 in #help
✅ Help with Data Bindings
So, now I'm trying to create a Task Manager clone, just the graphs part for now. So, I have a UserControl called Graph.xaml which is basically a graph and a text box. Then I have a Home.xaml which is my View and then HomeVM which is obviously my ViewModel. Now, I have an issue. In my Graph.xaml I've created a Binding called GraphData and then through Home.xaml I'm trying to define that GraphData so that my User Control remains re-usable and I use it for other graphs too. Home.xaml
<userControls:Graph x:Name="CPU_Graph" GraphData="{Binding GraphDataCPU}" />
<userControls:Graph x:Name="CPU_Graph" GraphData="{Binding GraphDataCPU}" />
and in my Graph.xaml, I've put it like this
<lvc:CartesianChart Series="{Binding GraphData}" LegendLocation="None" Height="250" Width="500" Hoverable="False">
<lvc:CartesianChart Series="{Binding GraphData}" LegendLocation="None" Height="250" Width="500" Hoverable="False">
but when I debug the program, it says that Graph.xaml is looking for "GraphData" in HomeVM and it's unable to find it, but instead it should look for "GraphDataCPU" as defined in Home.xaml, why is it not working?
48 replies
Created by on 4/10/2024 in #help
✅ Help needed with WPF GUI
Hello, Good Day! Overview I just started with WPF a few weeks ago so I'm still quite new to all this, for now I've been trying to create a dashboard UI for my project which has been going good so far, in my dashboard UI I have a grid divided into 3 rows (1 header, 1 footer and 1 for content) and 2 columns (1 for sidebar and one for content). I've created an interactive sidebar, so when you hover over to it, it'll auto expand and show you the button names and everything, when it's collapsed it'll show only the icons of those buttons. Problem So, as the sidebar is interactive, it auto expands when mouse over, but if the main window is resized it and the column 1 (the one with sidebar) has enough space to hold the expanded form of the sidebar, it will expand the sidebar to it's expanded state and will remove the mouse over animations. But if the sidebar's column's width is greater than the collapsed width but still lesser than the expanded width, it leaves a space between the sidebar and the content column, which gives a very inconsistent look to my app. So is there any way to overcome this issue? I'm attaching my xaml and code behind for your better understanding.
177 replies