Adding demo mode in filament application
I would just set up a seperate demo enviroment and reset the database every 10 of 15 min. This looks like a very complicated problem, also if you want to give user a "taste" of how it works. This is the same as the official filament demo website, you can find the code in Github if you need an example.
12 replies
Is it possible to make clusters side navbar collapsible?
I've talked about this with Zep, but sadly not possible right now. I would also think this is an handy addition, maybe possible to add it too Polar for funding? (dont think users can add stuff to there right?)
3 replies
extraModalFooterActions, retrieving post $data?
I tried adding something like a mix between the two:
But using ->makeModalSubmitActionmakes the Action static..? I would also think that adding a second button to update all events (with requiresConfirmation) wouldn't be this hard. 😅
7 replies
extraModalFooterActions, retrieving post $data?
Yeah I now better understand the problem, that makes sense. If I dd($action) i dont see any form data in there. How can I solve this problem though? Or I have to just revert to something like:
7 replies