extraModalFooterActions, retrieving post $data?

I have a system to make schedules, schedules can be recurring. I want to have an extra FooterAction to "Save all future recurring schedules" instead of just the current one. Got that all to work with this (https://filamentphp.com/docs/3.x/actions/modals#adding-an-extra-modal-action-button-to-the-footer) But the problem is I cant add a requireConfirmation() to it then. That works with this perfectly BUT i can't retrieve the form $data (because it is a child?) Is there any method to fix this? My code:
return Actions\EditAction::make()
->modalHeading(__('Edit shift'))
->modalSubmitActionLabel(__('Edit only this shift'))
->label(__('Edit all future shifts'))
->action(function (Schedule $record, array $data) {
// returns null :(
->tooltip(__('Delete this shift'))
->action(function (Schedule $record) {
return Actions\EditAction::make()
->modalHeading(__('Edit shift'))
->modalSubmitActionLabel(__('Edit only this shift'))
->label(__('Edit all future shifts'))
->action(function (Schedule $record, array $data) {
// returns null :(
->tooltip(__('Delete this shift'))
->action(function (Schedule $record) {
I feel like maybe this could help (https://discord.com/channels/883083792112300104/1237435510100594719/1237599157187903558) but maybe I am missing something obivous?
2 Replies
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch9mo ago
Those methods don't have a form so where should the data come from? You can try fn ($action) => $action->data or ->formData or similar
Sjoerd24OP9mo ago
Yeah I now better understand the problem, that makes sense. If I dd($action) i dont see any form data in there. How can I solve this problem though? Or I have to just revert to something like:
->extraModalFooterActions(fn (Action $action): array => [
// but without the requiresConfirmation() method
$action->makeModalSubmitAction('editAllFutureOccurrences', arguments: ['action' => 'editAll' ])
->label(__('Edit all future shifts')),
->extraModalFooterActions(fn (Action $action): array => [
// but without the requiresConfirmation() method
$action->makeModalSubmitAction('editAllFutureOccurrences', arguments: ['action' => 'editAll' ])
->label(__('Edit all future shifts')),
I tried adding something like a mix between the two:
->label(__('Edit all future shifts'))
->makeModalSubmitAction(name: 'editAllFutureOccurrences', arguments: ['action' => 'editAll' ])
->label(__('Edit all future shifts'))
->makeModalSubmitAction(name: 'editAllFutureOccurrences', arguments: ['action' => 'editAll' ])
But using ->makeModalSubmitActionmakes the Action static..? I would also think that adding a second button to update all events (with requiresConfirmation) wouldn't be this hard. 😅 Ok so this works, but it feels very dirty:
->action(function (Schedule $record, Component $livewire) {
// this outputs the correct form data
->action(function (Schedule $record, Component $livewire) {
// this outputs the correct form data
Hope this helps someone else, but I hope there is a better way of doing this. ugh relationships are not save like this of course, anyone a better solution?

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