Errors when try to manage services/plugins
I have two issues:
1. After database migration I can't remove Postgres Legacy plugins (ID 58c15418-e335-4560-a2b3-f01c2c7898a2)
2. I've created one more service today (ID: c85acf50-1f7e-41e2-b332-c8ba44e25550, service name: frontend). Having two environments, production and staging, I'm able to deploy changes to production but when I try to deploy to staging it fails with 404 error
Could you assist?
22 replies
Can't delete service
I can't delete a service from within my railway's project dashboard.
I created this service recently but then I decided not to use it.
It was never deployed. Every time I try to remove it disappears and then appears again in a second with an error massage "Failed to delete .."
Project id 0ff33440-d243-4c44-8731-9c3a1b381d2b
9 replies