Eddy Vinck
Eddy Vinck
DTDrizzle Team
Created by Eddy Vinck on 6/13/2024 in #help
How to do an UPDATE with a JOIN in Drizzle ORM?
Something like this https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7869592/how-to-do-an-update-join-in-postgresql I have this schema where I want to do an update on the "user_usage" table, but only if users.subscriptionId is a certain string or in a set of string values . I think what I want here is an UPDATE with a JOIN. Could not quite figure out how to do this with Drizzle ORM. Something like this from StackOverflow:
UPDATE table_1 t1
SET foo = 'new_value'
FROM table_2 t2
JOIN table_3 t3 ON t3.id = t2.t3_id
t2.id = t1.t2_id
AND t3.bar = True;
UPDATE table_1 t1
SET foo = 'new_value'
FROM table_2 t2
JOIN table_3 t3 ON t3.id = t2.t3_id
t2.id = t1.t2_id
AND t3.bar = True;
But maybe a common table expression (CTE) could work like this example from StackOverflow?
with t as (
select v.id as rowid, s.price_per_vehicle as calculatedvalue
from vehicles_vehicle v
join shipments_shipment s on v.shipment_id = s.id
update vehicles_vehicle
set price = t.calculatedvalue
from t
where id = t.rowid
with t as (
select v.id as rowid, s.price_per_vehicle as calculatedvalue
from vehicles_vehicle v
join shipments_shipment s on v.shipment_id = s.id
update vehicles_vehicle
set price = t.calculatedvalue
from t
where id = t.rowid
Schema in next post
5 replies
DTDrizzle Team
Created by Eddy Vinck on 4/18/2024 in #help
Drizzle schema vs SQL when migrating serial id to uuid?
I have a Postgres DB and I want to migrate serial primary key IDs to UUIDs, and I'm running into some potential issues here. I've already added the uuid columns and user_uuid, thing_uuid relation columns to my tables via my Drizzle schema. Using PgAdmin I verified that the various uuid columns are not empty, and I've filled the relational UUIDs with queries like this one:
UPDATE user_usage usage SET user_uuid = u.uuid FROM users u WHERE usage.user_id = u.id;
UPDATE user_usage usage SET user_uuid = u.uuid FROM users u WHERE usage.user_id = u.id;
Problem 1: To prevent having to update my whole application code, I want to basically swap the ID and UUID columns and let them keep the id and user_id column names, but with uuid primary keys of course. Is this something I can solve by editing my schema, or would this be something I need to do by running SQL queries? Problem 2: If I need to do this via SQL queries, how do I then reflect this new state in my Drizzle schema? Maybe introspecting would be a good option here? Or maybe I should just change my schema, generate a migration and then edit the migration by hand before running it? Note: this is a development database migration, so this is essentially practice for whenever I might need to do something similar in prod
50 replies
DTDrizzle Team
Created by Eddy Vinck on 3/1/2024 in #help
feedback wanted: subquery in update
This is what I'm trying to do. I still need to make a few other adjustments to my app before I can run it, but are there any things I should be doing differently here? I want to use a subquery to avoid the network roundtrip of just a bunch of user IDs I'm using MySQL if that makes a difference.
const allSubscribedUsersIds = db
id: users.id,
ne(users.subscriptionId, SubscriptionPlan.unsubscribed),

const update = await db
lastResetAt: sql`CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`,
audioRecordingsMetered: 0,
inArray(userUsages.userId, allSubscribedUsersIds),
sql`${userUsages.lastResetAt} <= CURDATE() - INTERVAL 1 MONTH`,
const allSubscribedUsersIds = db
id: users.id,
ne(users.subscriptionId, SubscriptionPlan.unsubscribed),

const update = await db
lastResetAt: sql`CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`,
audioRecordingsMetered: 0,
inArray(userUsages.userId, allSubscribedUsersIds),
sql`${userUsages.lastResetAt} <= CURDATE() - INTERVAL 1 MONTH`,
1 replies