How to do an UPDATE with a JOIN in Drizzle ORM?

Something like this I have this schema where I want to do an update on the "user_usage" table, but only if users.subscriptionId is a certain string or in a set of string values . I think what I want here is an UPDATE with a JOIN. Could not quite figure out how to do this with Drizzle ORM. Something like this from StackOverflow:
UPDATE table_1 t1
SET foo = 'new_value'
FROM table_2 t2
JOIN table_3 t3 ON = t2.t3_id
WHERE = t1.t2_id
AND = True;
UPDATE table_1 t1
SET foo = 'new_value'
FROM table_2 t2
JOIN table_3 t3 ON = t2.t3_id
WHERE = t1.t2_id
AND = True;
But maybe a common table expression (CTE) could work like this example from StackOverflow?
with t as (
select as rowid, s.price_per_vehicle as calculatedvalue
from vehicles_vehicle v
join shipments_shipment s on v.shipment_id =
update vehicles_vehicle
set price = t.calculatedvalue
from t
where id = t.rowid
with t as (
select as rowid, s.price_per_vehicle as calculatedvalue
from vehicles_vehicle v
join shipments_shipment s on v.shipment_id =
update vehicles_vehicle
set price = t.calculatedvalue
from t
where id = t.rowid
Schema in next post
Stack Overflow
How to do an update + join in PostgreSQL?
Basically, I want to do this: update vehicles_vehicle v join shipments_shipment s on set v.price=s.price_per_vehicle; I'm pretty sure that would work in MySQL (my backgro...
3 Replies
Eddy Vinck
Eddy Vinck5mo ago
export const users = pgTable("users", {
id: uuid("id").defaultRandom().primaryKey().notNull(),
email: varchar("email", { length: 256 }),
stripeId: varchar("stripe_id", { length: 256 }),
subscriptionId: varchar("subscription_id", { length: 256 }).default("unsubscribed"),
paymentStatus: varchar("payment_status", { length: 256 }).default("none"),
hasUsedTrial: boolean("has_used_trial").default(false),
export type User = InferSelectModel<typeof users>;

export const userUsages = pgTable("user_usage", {
id: uuid("id").defaultRandom().primaryKey().notNull(),
userId: uuid("user_id"),
lastResetAt: timestamp("last_reset_at", { mode: "string" })
audioRecordingsMetered: integer("audio_recordings_metered"),
audioRecordingsTotal: integer("audio_recordings_total"),

export const usersRelations = relations(users, ({ one }) => ({
userUsage: one(userUsages, {
fields: [],
references: [userUsages.userId],
plan: one(plans, {
fields: [users.subscriptionId],
references: [plans.stripeLookupKey],
export const users = pgTable("users", {
id: uuid("id").defaultRandom().primaryKey().notNull(),
email: varchar("email", { length: 256 }),
stripeId: varchar("stripe_id", { length: 256 }),
subscriptionId: varchar("subscription_id", { length: 256 }).default("unsubscribed"),
paymentStatus: varchar("payment_status", { length: 256 }).default("none"),
hasUsedTrial: boolean("has_used_trial").default(false),
export type User = InferSelectModel<typeof users>;

export const userUsages = pgTable("user_usage", {
id: uuid("id").defaultRandom().primaryKey().notNull(),
userId: uuid("user_id"),
lastResetAt: timestamp("last_reset_at", { mode: "string" })
audioRecordingsMetered: integer("audio_recordings_metered"),
audioRecordingsTotal: integer("audio_recordings_total"),

export const usersRelations = relations(users, ({ one }) => ({
userUsage: one(userUsages, {
fields: [],
references: [userUsages.userId],
plan: one(plans, {
fields: [users.subscriptionId],
references: [plans.stripeLookupKey],
Here is what I'm trying to do as a subquery
const payingUserIds = ctx.db
.where(inArray(users.subscriptionId, paidPlans))

const update = await ctx.db
lastResetAt: sql`CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`,
audioRecordingsMetered: 0,
inArray(userUsages.userId, payingUserIds),
sql`${userUsages.lastResetAt} <= (CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '1 month')`,
const payingUserIds = ctx.db
.where(inArray(users.subscriptionId, paidPlans))

const update = await ctx.db
lastResetAt: sql`CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`,
audioRecordingsMetered: 0,
inArray(userUsages.userId, payingUserIds),
sql`${userUsages.lastResetAt} <= (CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '1 month')`,
Sillvva5mo ago
You don't need the .getSQL() on the subquery
Eddy Vinck
Eddy Vinck5mo ago
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