Created by ap on 12/5/2024 in #❓・help
Page transitions occur after content has loaded between pages that re-use components
Great! Good luck with the rest of your project!
11 replies
Created by ap on 12/5/2024 in #❓・help
Page transitions occur after content has loaded between pages that re-use components
Also try using useLazyAsyncData instead of useAsyncData and see if that changes anything
11 replies
Created by ap on 12/5/2024 in #❓・help
Page transitions occur after content has loaded between pages that re-use components
Can you try putting the videoData into a local ref and loading from that in your template?
<div id="work-page">
<template v-if="!pending && localVideoData"> // ALSO UPDATE THIS TO LOCAL
<div class="video-area">
:videoURL="localVideoData?.asset?.videoURL" // ALSO UPDATE THIS TO LOCAL
:videoPoster="localVideoData?.asset?.image" // ALSO UPDATE THIS TO LOCAL
<VideoGrid :videos="videoData.editor?.work" />

<script setup>
import videoQuery from "../lib/sanity/queries/video";

const sanity = useSanity();
const route = useRoute();

const localVideoData = ref() // <-- ADD THIS

const { pending, data: videoData } = await useAsyncData(
async () => {
try {
const data = await sanity.fetch(videoQuery(route.params.handle));
return data;
} catch (error) {
return {
isError: true,

localVideoData.value = videoData

watch(videoData, (newValue) => {
localVideoData.value = newValue

onBeforeRouteUpdate((to, from) => {
if ( === {
console.log("SAME ROUTE!!!");
<div id="work-page">
<template v-if="!pending && localVideoData"> // ALSO UPDATE THIS TO LOCAL
<div class="video-area">
:videoURL="localVideoData?.asset?.videoURL" // ALSO UPDATE THIS TO LOCAL
:videoPoster="localVideoData?.asset?.image" // ALSO UPDATE THIS TO LOCAL
<VideoGrid :videos="videoData.editor?.work" />

<script setup>
import videoQuery from "../lib/sanity/queries/video";

const sanity = useSanity();
const route = useRoute();

const localVideoData = ref() // <-- ADD THIS

const { pending, data: videoData } = await useAsyncData(
async () => {
try {
const data = await sanity.fetch(videoQuery(route.params.handle));
return data;
} catch (error) {
return {
isError: true,

localVideoData.value = videoData

watch(videoData, (newValue) => {
localVideoData.value = newValue

onBeforeRouteUpdate((to, from) => {
if ( === {
console.log("SAME ROUTE!!!");
11 replies
Created by ap on 12/5/2024 in #❓・help
Page transitions occur after content has loaded between pages that re-use components
@ap how are you loading the data for these components? I am loading my data through Pinia, and in order to fix the issue I previously had I used LazyAsyncData and a fallback template. This combination of things fixed the issue I had. I'm happy to look at your code more if you can provide any more information about it. Here is a quick example of what my component looks like (using posts as an example)
<script setup lang="ts">
// define props
const props = defineProps(["tag"]);

// local state for posts (to help with component swapping)
const posts = ref();

// init stores
const postsStore = usePosts();

// fetch data
await useLazyAsyncData(async () => {
await postsStore.getPosts(props.tag);
posts.value = postsStore.posts;

<template #fallback>
<LoadingBlock />
<div v-for"post in posts">
{{ post }}
<script setup lang="ts">
// define props
const props = defineProps(["tag"]);

// local state for posts (to help with component swapping)
const posts = ref();

// init stores
const postsStore = usePosts();

// fetch data
await useLazyAsyncData(async () => {
await postsStore.getPosts(props.tag);
posts.value = postsStore.posts;

<template #fallback>
<LoadingBlock />
<div v-for"post in posts">
{{ post }}
11 replies
Created by brick on 9/17/2024 in #❓・help
Adding Types To Nuxt Module
Hello! Sorry for the delayed reply - I was away from my computer for a bit. I couldn't remember what I ended up doing but just looked back at my code and I put all of the interfaces in each component. Ended up working pretty well for my needs but not necessarily a fix to the issue. Hope you get it figured out!
14 replies