Mariana Zapata
Mariana Zapata
Created by Mariana Zapata on 1/14/2025 in #❓・help
Autoimport bug: server/utils not being autoimported
Hello there!, i recently noticed some changes on my nuxt project. My app relies heavily on autoimports from server/utils, but i noticed it's not getting automatically created anymore!. The docs aren't completely clear about this change, and i'm worried for the state of the application. I tried several solutions, updating nuxt3 to the latest version, adding the utils dir to the nuxtconfig file, but none has been successful. I tried generating a new nuxt3 project, and noticed this isn't particular to my original app, the server/utils do not get auto imported anymore. Can anyone give me insight about this change? if i need to change or add some configuration to be able to generate automatically the autoimports i need? Thank you
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