Created by ebm on 11/21/2023 in #💬│support
Best way to cancel a currently in-progress workflow?
Probably easier to describe what I am trying to do. If a user signs up for newsletters, this triggers a workflow with n emails. The emails are spaced out by days. If the user signs up for a subscription while this workflow is "in progress" I want to cancel this workflow so I can start them on a different workflow. I know that when I trigger the workflow originally I get a transaction id, is there a way to get the current "in progress" transactions for a subscriber so I can cancel the remaining unsent emails? Or do I need to store the transaction Id originally and keep track of what is active/not?
10 replies
Created by ebm on 10/20/2023 in #💬│support
Amazon SES Email Feedback
I want to monitor email opens, clicks, bounces, etc. and am using SES as the email provider. I can check the transaction id when a workflow is triggered, how do I check whether the email was opened? clicked?
2 replies
Created by ebm on 10/11/2023 in #💬│support
Question: Triggering Workflow to Topic, can I get subscriber info for personalizing the email?
I am triggering a workflow to a topic, so several users will get notified. In my simple example, I have an email being sent. I would like all users to get the same email, but I would like to add a variable in that will put in the user's name, ex: Hi John in the email (or Mary, Joe, etc. etc.) Is this possible? If so, how do I do this? Bonus for sending me a link to documentation!
4 replies
Created by ebm on 6/30/2023 in #💬│support
Email Provider Templates
Hi, We are testing Novu for sending emails to users. I have templates setup in our email provider (Postmark or SES, doesn't matter) I cannot find any documentation on how to pass over which template I want to send in Postmark (or SES). For example, with Postmark, it looks like you only call client.sendEmail (https://github.com/novuhq/novu/blob/next/providers/postmark/src/lib/postmark.provider.ts) but there is no way to call client.sendEmailWithTemplate (https://github.com/ActiveCampaign/postmark.js/wiki/Templates) It looks like a similar setup for SES. Is there a way to do this for email providers that support templates? Or is there another way to accomplish this without having to manually add the HTML to Novu?
4 replies