Novu•13mo ago

Email Provider Templates

Hi, We are testing Novu for sending emails to users. I have templates setup in our email provider (Postmark or SES, doesn't matter) I cannot find any documentation on how to pass over which template I want to send in Postmark (or SES). For example, with Postmark, it looks like you only call client.sendEmail (https://github.com/novuhq/novu/blob/next/providers/postmark/src/lib/postmark.provider.ts) but there is no way to call client.sendEmailWithTemplate (https://github.com/ActiveCampaign/postmark.js/wiki/Templates) It looks like a similar setup for SES. Is there a way to do this for email providers that support templates? Or is there another way to accomplish this without having to manually add the HTML to Novu?
3 Replies
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain•13mo ago
Hi @ebm_3 Thanks for checking out Novu. Unfortunately we don't support external provider templates. Only way is to copy html from those templates and paste in our email editor.
ebm•13mo ago
😢 I understand. I'm seeing how I can workaround it and still utilize Novu's functionality
Novu_Bot•13mo ago
@ebm_3, you just advanced to level 1!