Created by GarbageMonster on 1/23/2024 in #help
GarbageMonster - @jay | nullbits I wanted to ch...
Best option now is to unsolder/resolder the switches and return one back to amazon, or credit?
5 replies
Created by GarbageMonster on 1/23/2024 in #help
GarbageMonster - @jay | nullbits I wanted to ch...
@jay | nullbits the second holly came in from amazon and it is virtually silent. You are right that if I put my ear right on it, with the leds on, I can hear it. But my original I can hear a few feet away. Huge difference.
5 replies
Created by GarbageMonster on 1/23/2024 in #help
GarbageMonster - @jay | nullbits I wanted to ch...
Thanks for the reply. I've ordered another one from amazon and will report back if it's the same amount of noise or less/none. It might be a good test of the sensitive ear theory. If it's the pad then I can just sent one back or we can figure it out. I'll test that out to see if I can get it to work outside of linux. Thanks for that pointer.
5 replies