GarbageMonster - @jay | nullbits I wanted to ch...

@jay | nullbits I wanted to check on two things with the Holly, thanks! 1. I got the Holly macropad and it is so loud. Other users are reporting that theirs makes no noise. Can you confirm if maybe this one is defective since it is noisy? 2. Was the code base ever fixed to build outside of linux?
2 Replies
jaygreco14mo ago
Hey, apologies for the delay. Every HOLLY has a bit of coil whine, especially when plugged into USB. I've noticed it varies a bit with the USB port/device it's plugged into. My experience actually tells me that it's individual people who are more or less sensitive to it, vs variation between the units, but if you think something might be up with yours I'm happy to send you another one. I wasn't ever able to mess with the firmware build. If you're planning on using it purely as a pad on your desk, and you want to mess with the firmware, I'd recommend commenting out the check and skipping the LPM firmware, since it seems that's what's causing the issues (or the opposite, if you only want to mess with the ornament mode)
GarbageMonsterOP14mo ago
Thanks for the reply. I've ordered another one from amazon and will report back if it's the same amount of noise or less/none. It might be a good test of the sensitive ear theory. If it's the pad then I can just sent one back or we can figure it out. I'll test that out to see if I can get it to work outside of linux. Thanks for that pointer. @jay | nullbits the second holly came in from amazon and it is virtually silent. You are right that if I put my ear right on it, with the leds on, I can hear it. But my original I can hear a few feet away. Huge difference. Best option now is to unsolder/resolder the switches and return one back to amazon, or credit?

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