TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by .matzz. on 7/2/2023 in #questions
Should i finish learning c# or stop halfway and learn javascript
Dude, there are plenty of good resources for learning Blazor, check out Udemy for one. It genuinely seems like you’re just looking for permission to switch languages while you’re in the middle of learning another. Do what you want, no one is going to stop you. But it’s worth thinking long and hard about why you’re so eager to switch in the middle. There are a lot of things about programming that are going to make you want to stop halfway through. Learning the skill of completing something even when it’s a grind is also very worth your time.
30 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by niels on 6/19/2023 in #questions
Type for a JSON object or API response?
The more you type things now, the less pain you will feel later.
10 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by agaitan026 on 6/19/2023 in #questions
use t3 to create a nextjs frontend and backend with nextjs to have login , create user with mysql?
Honestly, watch this, it'll cover all you need:
3 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by Lopen on 6/19/2023 in #questions
any npm package to achieve something like?
If you're asking about a library that generates all of the code examples, no, that does not exist AFAIK. If you're asking about a library which provides the language switcher itself (and you simply provide it the code you need per language), also, no. 🤷‍♂️
10 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by asffer on 6/18/2023 in #questions
what should i know about backend before starting with nextjs?
As far as databases, it would probably be worth learning a little bit about databases and other data stores so that you can have a conceptual model in your head of how these things work. Once you've done that work, using an ORM like Prisma will be easier to use because it's written in Typescript and you'll have a clear idea of what Prisma is actually doing on your behalf. If you didn't watch Theo's SO survey overview vid, being a "full-stack" dev is becoming much more common, so it would behoove you to explore backend-land. Hope this is helpful. 🙂
6 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by Lopen on 6/19/2023 in #questions
any npm package to achieve something like?
Do you mean you're expecting the code examples across different languages is handled by a library? I just want to be clear of what you're saying.
10 replies