Odd Water Visual Bug
Not sure if this is Iris or DH but I figured I'd post it here first since it's happening more in the LOD, not the normally rendered world. I do not use Bobby or any chunk loading mods and the shaders themselves are Complimentary Reimagined.
Modlist available upon request after instruction because I have no idea how to generate one and I'm not typing it all out manually unless I have to.

6 Replies
On second thought this is a shader issue so I'll post there instead but if someone does have an answer as to which is causing it do let me know for future reference.
Update your nightly build, this was already fixed a long time ago
Apolocheese, I shall do so
Auto updater was off, I thought it was on :BocchiPain:
That thing don't even work 😅
Update manually
Yep, made another help request about it. Already solved.