Filament annoying or be praised
I have used filament laravel and i don't think so it save time anyway and it also too difficult to change something/ customization. All i have to follow strange filament way to do anything i want. It's too annoying.
And when i see many people they praise filament and say it save alot time.
Why is that, why its annoying for other to do customization in filament unique way
15 Replies
lack of knowledge in livewire?
If you are trying to customize specific aspects of Filament, please share the details and the code that you are using.
If you need to customize everything, It might be worth considering developing your own app instead.
Remember, using Filament is optional. Filament also allows you to use specific packages in your app. For example, you can use the Table Builder o the Form Builder in your TALL app without installing the entire Filament package. It all depends on what you need to achieve...
I don't think so because i have not move to the part yet why i do customization related to page or UI design, i am taking about just filament customization is not like normal lasavel flow
Sir, have you ever used Filament in a real-life project? If yes, could you please share what kind of project it was so I can understand where it can be used and where it might not be suitable? Also, do you use it quite often
Sir, have you ever used Filament in a real-life project? If yes, could you please share what kind of project it was so I can understand where it can be used and where it might not be suitable? Also, do you use it quite often
Have you requested a refund ?
What ?
Normally, I wouldn’t post something like this, but given how unconstructive your original post is—especially considering this is a free and open-source project—I’m making an exception:
If "everyone" says it’s great and easy to customize, but you’re struggling with it, perhaps the issue isn’t with FilamentPHP but rather with how you're approaching it?
The community here is very helpful. If you have specific questions, please ask them. Coming here and labeling the whole thing as "annoying" just because you don’t understand it isn’t particularly constructive—for anyone.
I don't know...'everyone' says the latest Porsche 911 is one of the best cars ever made, but when I used it to plough my field...really poor.
Thanks for you answer ♥️,
Well this discard channel is open for people like us who do not understand after reading filament doc, watching youtube tutorials, and reading articles realted to filament.
May be my question is not written in the right way.
Just want to know people are really using filament in their real life project. Or its just a marketing thing to tell to others i know filament (new thing in the market) and its just best.
Nope??? Many people use filament in real life projects
One of the easiest ways to get an admin panel setup and configured
I'd say anything heavily form and table driven (so probably 95% of apps) which doesn't need 100% custom design (like MVPs, internal dashboards, small SaaS, etc.) save a lot of time using Filament
Filament is just a panel builder with a lot of ready to use features that cover 90% of use cases, if the project is not general its core nature then filament is just not the best option
It's not meant to meet all the possible scenarios, just a panel builder to avoid repetitive tasks
Yes, lots of real life projects are out there. Its ideal for most SAAS where it is mostly business customers. The level of visual design you might want for a large consumer facing application, might lead you to something with less structure.
We use Filamentphp in production for lots, Financial Management, Forms/Workflow processes, user management, media management, property portals,
Filament is extremely customisable and super easy, so if you are finding it annoying it sounds like you just don't know how to harness filament and should ask specific questions where you are struggling. Also make sure to use a proper IDE with code-completion.
We use it for our internal project management, so we can track progress and status of past and current jobs, some more complicated stuff too and Filament has proven itself as valuable tool, as it helped me to finish the project (initial 99% working part) in very short time.
Same here. We use it in different projects as an internal admin tool to administrate dozens of resources/models, monitor jobs and notifications, to write articles, blogposts. To adminstrate product stock, shop settings (payment cost, shipping types, etc.). To upload images. To administrate user accounts, a forum, user comments, etc. Most of it works out of the box/with third party plugins. But customization wasn't that hard, for our specific needs.