Filament annoying or be praised

I have used filament laravel and i don't think so it save time anyway and it also too difficult to change something/ customization. All i have to follow strange filament way to do anything i want. It's too annoying. And when i see many people they praise filament and say it save alot time. Why is that, why its annoying for other to do customization in filament unique way
2 Replies
Vp6h ago
lack of knowledge in livewire?
If you are trying to customize specific aspects of Filament, please share the details and the code that you are using. If you need to customize everything, It might be worth considering developing your own app instead. Remember, using Filament is optional. Filament also allows you to use specific packages in your app. For example, you can use the Table Builder o the Form Builder in your TALL app without installing the entire Filament package. It all depends on what you need to achieve...

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