Smart Watches - Topic of the day 12/27/24
Do you like smart watches? Do they add to your accessory game? What is your favorite smart watch?

46 Replies
yes, no, apple watch
So first of all idt I’ve ever seen one that looks good.
Also I don’t vibe with these on a conceptual level - it feels like the tech is one step too close to me for comfort and I don’t like that.
Further I’m personally concerned by trying to express a human being or its physicality through numbers too much. Obviously if you’re an athlete these numbers are useful, but as a regular Joe I don’t need to be quantified.
step counter is useful but that's about it
A doctor can quantify me, but not my watch.
I prefer to not have a smart watch. One of the great benefits of a watch is that it tells you the time without offering any other information.
I am tech brained and like to get notifs on my wrist, I prune it down to just social stuff like DMs or friend servers that are lower activity. also the activity tracking is a productive way to gamify being active, number go up make brain feel good. purely a utility thing for me though, I'm not out here showing off the preset color I chose on the one watchface out of the 25 or whatever options there are.
guys the hermes rubber band is a joke
i went to a samsung career event in a tank top and floppy pants and won a galaxy watch in a raffle and they insisted on taking a pic of me and I wanted to die
that all changes if they ever let me program own watchfaces though I think that would be sick and I'm pissed they don't let me yet
Most useful thing my smartwatch does is vibrate when my alarm goes off at the asscrack of dawn so I don’t also wake my husband up
Does the fake H watch strap add to my accessories game? Unclear
caught lacking tsk tsk
have to always be fashionable
I used to be into Fitbits
I had a charge 3, that ran out of battery, then I had another charge 3, it died 1 day, and then I had a Versa 2.
then I lost the proprietary charger
(it was dying anyway)
no, no, none, yet I own and wear a pixel watch 3xl
it was free and I want to record my walks and vitals and shit
I wish it wasn't so ugly and otherwise useless
No, hell no, I have to use a garmin sometimes for running training and resent it
I wanted a smart ring but free is free, I do not have the finances rn to be choosy about it
I really do not need to be any more online, and there is no functionality from something like an apple watch that I desire
I used to wear my garmin religiously for years. While I still try to put it on before going to the gym or a long bike ride, I realized it's really nice to have something that just tells me the time without any notifications or other features. Aesthetically, there's never been a smart watch that I've liked either.
Who doesn’t like
On their wrist
What I want from a watch:
- A way to tell the time (duh).
- Step tracking.
- Optional leather straps.
I do like the leather bands you can get for them.
Y’all know that regular watches have leather bands too
close the thread
I do, i just said i like the leather bands for smart watches, not that it redeems them
Smart watches look like ass and never improve a fit ever
That being said I love my garmin mainly because im able to screen notifs without being dragged into discord, balatro, etc and without looking at my phone.
The less my phone is in my hand and in front of my face the better
They are great tools for very specific tasks. I don't like them as a fashion choice, but I don't like glucose monitors, insulin pumps or oxygen tanks as fashion choices either. Smart watches are obviously optional in a way those are not, but I think the analogy holds...if one finds it useful to wear one they should.
Never seen one that's not ugly but they are genuinely useful
Plus friends with heart conditions and other issues love them
Apple watch is probably the closest to being visually inoffensive and not losing functionality, vs stuff like the eink ones
Every smart watch looks bad and everyone wearing one looks dumb. They have a place but if you’re just average tech bro number 5 I will consistently and always think you look like a big ol dork
Calculator watch wearin-ass nerd
You dont need step tracking if you just go walk an hour a day
Apple Watch Hermes :linkBow:
Nobody needs step tracking it's an utterly pointless metric. (This is exaggeration but IMO if you're active enough that you think step tracking is something you'd like to do your probably not sedentary enough for steps to be the target you should aim for).
I wear a pixel watch 3. Like z I got it free. I find some of the sleep and heart metrics useful as a second order sense check of "how do I feel today".
It looks a bit ass but you generally can't see it so 🤷♂️
I was listening to a great interview with Courtney Dauwalter (the best womens ultramarathon runner in the world), and she bases her training almost entirely around 'how do I feel today', it's a very good metric as long as you aren't using it as excuses.
I agree they never improve a fit
I got mine as a hand-me-down from my partner, disabled all notifications and use it just for kitchen timers, for which it is super super useful
I thought about getting an Apple Watch at one point because you can connect it to your phone camera, but I decided it wasn’t worth spending $250+ to do something a I could do with a mirror
You are right about that but also I take every single fit pic with that feature lel
Not worth $250, but amazing if you already have the watch
Bluetooth or whatever camera remotes exist for much cheaper I think if that’s the goal
phone in a mug is basically free
What if I like wearing mine when I go clubbing and counting the "steps"
Google glass x Stepmania AR overlay
Every so often I think of buying a smart watch.
Then I realize that I would probably but a Seiko gmt first simply because it's cooler.

I think you have a perfectly fine Casio
It’s giving 12 y/o’s shitty minecraft watch