Enable Steam launch options menu for flags DisableXrMode and EnableMonoscopicMode
STEAM has a launch options menu for exe Flags for example vr 🦸 and nonvr 🥞 launches of vrchat.
🫠haven't found the documentation page of this because users can add these to the launch options of stuff themselves to steam.

5 Replies
That's a good idea!
@mikeage I can do the Unity side - do you know where this is set in our Steam dashboard?
Yes; one second and I'll send a link
The type should be "Launch OpenXR App". Set the OS correctly, and add whatever you want to the "Arguments" link.
As this won't be in 2.8 or 2.9, set "Beta Branch" to "beta" until we release 3.0 or 2.10 with this feature, so that people who are still on the main app won't be frustrated why passing
or --disable-xr-mode
doesn't work.
Alternatively, if we decide this is fairly niche and we don't want everyone to see it, we can tell people how to add the extra arguments without making it an option.

(the app id isn't a secret, so there's no harm in sharing that link or the first screenshot)
I did consider this, but I was mainly thinking about extra clicks to launch the app. I'd want to check, does it launch without extra clicks if you're already in steamvr?