Validation - Topic of the day 7/31/24

Obviously we all tell people they should dress for themselves but not for others. But we also upload pictures of our outfits here to get šŸ”„ reacts, and we have a semiannual fit battle, so. Is it healthy to seek a lil validation through how you dress? How do you obtain validation through your outfits?
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135 Replies
rejā€¢3mo ago
Its healthy if I hit highlights
sharloyā€¢3mo ago
I like receiving compliments I hate talking about fashion or that I like fashion irl
Yakkeksā€¢3mo ago
Sometimes a bit of validation can be useful for me, especially when im caught in a negative thought spiral to yank myself out of that.
Smilesā€¢3mo ago
I mean validation is part of fashion. I think theres this weird misunderstanding of what "dressing for yourself means" it does not mean dress like shit and dismiss all feedback or something The whole point of fashion is to put that shit on
zeometerā€¢3mo ago
validation isn't inherently negative - it supports the choices we made as positive
Smilesā€¢3mo ago
Dressing for yourself just means don't dress of an outgroup that doesn't represent you or for a specific person or something It doesn't mean don't dress for others period I want yall to perceive me and think "damn hes fly" Fashion is about dressing for others to see you thats the hobby
zeometerā€¢3mo ago
relying on external validation to the point where you're acting inauthentically is a concern and it's maybe a concern worth exploring, because the act of wearing clothes isn't going to magically transform your personality or habits or interests into a more digestible one for romantic partners or friends or strangers on the internet it is nice to get validation when you feel you've put in a lot of effort or tried something new, if only to see that that effort or exploration was worthwhile. with respect to mfad though, i don't think you should hang all of your hopes on making highlights - you can't control who is online in a given day or how they're feeling or any other number of things. you can control whether or not to post fit, and if you're enjoying posting fit that's the most important thing incidentally comments >= reacts imo; hearing WHY a fit is good or getting acknowledgement that something is good is more impactful in the long run
Nicoā€¢3mo ago
Oh dang that topic is perfect for me rn LOL Was literally talking about it yesterday
rebound2ā€¢3mo ago
been feeling that took fit pics yesterday unsure if I want to post fit because I don't know if I love the fit myself
Confuzzlerā€¢3mo ago
getting nice comments alway makes me feel better. i try not to look at reacts tbh cause i know im the type to get too hung up on it. usually now its like, i like this fit but im just going to buy groceries so no ones going to see it. so i just take a pic and post so i feel like it doesnt go to waste lol
Nicoā€¢3mo ago
I've yet to really find my own style although I'm starting to pinpoint things I like My waywts are all over the place in terms of style lmao Even though even my perception is probably biased by trends to some extent But yeah what I was saying yesterday was that I realized a main motivation for dressing was the person I broke up with yesterday, even though we have pretty different fashion tastes and I didn't try to imitate his, it somehow feels less important to look good now. So I guess yeah validation is important for me
Smilesā€¢3mo ago
Anyway validation is like the point of fashion to me. I just don't think thats incompatible with dressing for myself. I'm vain as fuck also you're getting judged even if you don't try
sharloyā€¢3mo ago
I like getting compliments lol
oman121ā€¢3mo ago
Who doesnā€™t
sharloyā€¢3mo ago
Thereā€™s a weird sense of ā€œIā€™m above complimentsā€ but like are you? Itā€™s like people on Reddit who say theyā€™ll only buy Camrys if theyā€™re a millionaire. Do you really want the Camry or do you want to be complimented on how responsible and frugal you are? People exist to seek validation Whether itā€™s wow you blend in so well, or wow you stick out so much
Nicoā€¢3mo ago
There's a balance to find it's tricky Dressing up is a way to show who you are On the other hand I don't want to do too much and end up in the same box with superficial people whose whole life revolves around looks
sharloyā€¢3mo ago
Hell punk/emo scene people seek validation amongst each other and validation that they scare the normies
samā€¢3mo ago
yeah same! lots of why i dress is because i look hot and cool and that ppl on the internet/irl tell me i look hot and cool but fashion for me has translated into a lot of self-love and confidence independent of fashion
Smilesā€¢3mo ago
can't agree more
njoyerā€¢3mo ago
this is a much much larger discussion than fashion imo and tbh im not the one who's able to unpack all that. it's just that fashion culture is so affected by social media (even here as evidenced by "house style") which has really changed the way we interact as human beings and with ourselves even. im not able to properly articulate this but hopefully some people will understand my general idea
Nicoā€¢3mo ago
Oh yeah for sure I'm way too deep into the fashiontok and IG šŸ˜­
rebound2ā€¢3mo ago
fuck it one :post: :fit: react and i'll drop the waywt from yesterday
samā€¢3mo ago
of course i "see myself" more in the clothes i wear now than i did before i discovered experimental fashion, but i think it's simply because i spend lots of time with this specific way i style clothes. like an alternate universe me could've leaned prep/ivy or super big colorful stuff and it would be no less "me" than i am rn
adaptationā€¢3mo ago
Sometimes I put a fit on in my house and the tree falls in the forest with no one around to hear it and I feel good as hell because I got that shit on but that doesnā€™t mean I donā€™t get all tingly when someone tells me they like my outfit
Smilesā€¢3mo ago
and sometimes i put shit on and feel good and then someone tells me I bricked and i reexamine it and i did brick and so i improve
samā€¢3mo ago
i was thinking about this exact thing, and whether my excitement is due to the fact that i personally like what i put on or if i am simply anticipating other people liking what i put on but after some thought, it's probably a lot of both and i don't think the distinction really matters?
carrionā€¢3mo ago
putting shit on is almost entirely self-care for me and a part of that is absolutely the validation i recieve from external sources
Smilesā€¢3mo ago
fashion and gym has a lot of overlap for me here too
zeometerā€¢3mo ago
i think a lot comes down to what you feel about the fit itself
Nicoā€¢3mo ago
Deviating a bit but: I feel like trends/the fashion meta have too much hold over me It's not conscious but like I got exposed to some things I used to find silly so much that I now like them Only been into fashion for a short time (like, a year) so there's nothing yet I regret buying or feel cringe about but I'm scared Ill feel the way I currently do about skinny things about the other things in my wardrobe, a few years down the line
carrionā€¢3mo ago
trends are great
njoyerā€¢3mo ago
its interesting to me because i love irl comments but im happiest when im not posting to the internet at all
Smilesā€¢3mo ago
you will and thats ok
Prefacing this by saying that I havenā€™t read anything
zeometerā€¢3mo ago this was a fit where the value i got from it was dealing with whatever insecurities i had and posting it outright; that it was so well received is really really nice but the benefit i got was being emboldened to put shit on
Smilesā€¢3mo ago
cannot imagine being afraid of what me in 5 years thinks of me now
I think that itā€™s ok for one of the motivations with starting to dress better to be becoming more attractive to the desired sex
Smilesā€¢3mo ago
same shit happens with tats
adaptationā€¢3mo ago
Iā€™ve done some of the same thinking- if you want to explore it further, try talking out the ā€˜am I making what I like or what I think people will likeā€™ with someone who does art theyā€™ve all spent tons of time thinking about it and have a ton of good insight
carrionā€¢3mo ago
me in 5 years knows better and me 5 years ago was an idiot
Smilesā€¢3mo ago
"how will you feel about tattoos when you are old" idgaf what i think then i like em now hopefully i look back and laugh at myself
As long as youā€™re doing so in a way that is authentic to you I think itā€™s fine
njoyerā€¢3mo ago
it's such a limiting way to live life
adaptationā€¢3mo ago
If I donā€™t like em thatā€™s because future me is a nerd
Smilesā€¢3mo ago
and you can't avoid this
rebound2ā€¢3mo ago
i remember the write up for this
Smilesā€¢3mo ago
i can't state this enough this isn't a fashion thing
zeometerā€¢3mo ago
the thing is we are the sum of all of our experiences, good and bad (someone else can phrase that better, maybe involving a coconut or something)
Smilesā€¢3mo ago
this is a life thing you will regret things and laugh at yourself down the line no matter how much you try to avoid it
njoyerā€¢3mo ago
ya i look at old text messages and cringe
rebound2ā€¢3mo ago
i feel like you would do well as a blogger zeo
njoyerā€¢3mo ago
old things i wrote and cringe
I donā€™t think it should be the only reason to start dressing better but I think itā€™s naive to ask people to completely disregard the opinions of others and the desire to be more attractive when they start dressing better
zeometerā€¢3mo ago
if you wore skinny jeans or some other thing you now find awful, the point is it served a purpose for you in that time.
njoyerā€¢3mo ago
it's normal
samā€¢3mo ago
I got exposed to some things I used to find silly so much that I now like them
oh yes absolutely, i remember thinking rick owens dickflap tanks look awful but i got so used to them and they look great now. i put them on now knowing that most people outside myself/the fashion communities i'm in still think they look stupid, but that me wearing them with lots of confidence will make them look good anyway/cause them to reevaluate
Smilesā€¢3mo ago
anyway trends rock
Nicoā€¢3mo ago
That's true! But then it's not me it's what society manipulated me into consuming to feel cool for a few months/yrs Not saying that's that bad but yeah
zeometerā€¢3mo ago
the past is not ultimately something to run away from, but to learn from and get inspired by as you move forward to the future
rebound2ā€¢3mo ago
i mean some things will never truly catch on for me no matter how much mfad makes them seem appealing
njoyerā€¢3mo ago
i would be more embarrassed if i was stagnant and hadn't changed at all in 5 years than if i had
rebound2ā€¢3mo ago
i used to think paraboot michaels were some of the ugliest shoes i've ever seen now they're just neutral to me
zeometerā€¢3mo ago
i wore a bunch of slim fit stuff in part because of wanting to feel accepted by people - that was good for me five years ago, before i got married and before i started a career and before i made meaningful adult relationships
Nicoā€¢3mo ago
Same zeo
rebound2ā€¢3mo ago
not ugly, but i don't want them for my wardrobe all the same
Nicoā€¢3mo ago
I still have all my skin tight jeans šŸ˜­ and colorful branded sweaters
samā€¢3mo ago
especially if that shit is their job! like this is just a cute consumption hobby for me
Nicoā€¢3mo ago
And neon colored sneakers
carrionā€¢3mo ago
also like, love the past versions of yourself a little more? Maybe you liked something because it was trendy, that's not a bad thing or something to be ashamed of. We're all being influenced by everything we experience that's just life
Nicoā€¢3mo ago
zeometerā€¢3mo ago
it's not a good fit for me now but those experiences then are what led to me now, some guy who owns several pairs of pleated PRL pants off ebay
Smilesā€¢3mo ago
just ask your parents about the 80s fashion
zeometerā€¢3mo ago
but at some point past me made a choice and then another choice and became present me what carrion said basically
Smilesā€¢3mo ago
lots of them will be like "I can't believe I went out with my hair like that" in a good way they don't regret doing it they just laugh at it
carrionā€¢3mo ago
I was buying 2 sizes too small black skinny jeans that were 98% elastene and I was putting that shit on lmfao
samā€¢3mo ago
yes! i love my techwear phase because it's what got me used to dressing a lil silly and costume-y. i don't like the pieces i purchased or rly the outfits but i love what it did to my engagement w/ fashion
rebound2ā€¢3mo ago
i wasn't when i did the same but go off monarch šŸ‘‘ (this was because i was still learning and nothing was particularly intentional.)
njoyerā€¢3mo ago
i used to wear blazers and u wouldn't catch me dead in one now but i was putting that shit on
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Nicoā€¢3mo ago
Absolutely I'm not saying we should be ashamed looking back It just shows how little free will I actually have LOL like I only liked these because society agreed they were cool, pretty much Didn't consciously wear them to fit in, my brain started to like them to fit in
zeometerā€¢3mo ago
separate thought - having a sense of internal validation (as long as it doesn't turn into egoism or an unwillingness to listen to criticism/accept reality) is the ideal situation to navigate the external validation that comes from wearing clothes
njoyerā€¢3mo ago
zeometerā€¢3mo ago
imo it helps to give validation in service of that
adaptationā€¢3mo ago
I have egoism and an unwillingness to accept reality and itā€™s awesome
zeometerā€¢3mo ago
being able to give a sincere (not backhanded) compliment or acknowledgement of someone else's choices makes the process more normalized for you that way it becomes about the choices we made and not the people we are
If I donā€™t make highlights itā€™s because you guys fucked up tbqh
zeometerā€¢3mo ago
with a few very isolated circumstances that i've noted elsewhere highlights are largely a construct if i miss highlights whatever but also it's a you problem šŸ™‚
Nicoā€¢3mo ago
Haven't made it to highlights yet hehe Someday šŸ˜Œ
zeometerā€¢3mo ago
give it time! it is far easier to not try to predict what will make highlights
samā€¢3mo ago
me making highlights prolly has largely to do with my engagement w/ the community & my presence as a recognizable face
zeometerā€¢3mo ago
or worse, to try and pander to try and make highlights which is what this topic is largely against, in reading
samā€¢3mo ago
and that i ptso but i digress
zeometerā€¢3mo ago
also true put cool clothes on, post them you'll never know what impact you'll get until you do
Nicoā€¢3mo ago
Ngl I've caught myself putting on an additional layer for the pic cuz it looks cool and taking it off before leaving because it's too hot šŸ¤­
samā€¢3mo ago
oh all the time
Smilesā€¢3mo ago
tell me this it makes me better about doing it raw
samā€¢3mo ago
i fuss with shirt tucking in that way too, before just ripping it out before i leave because it'll untuck itself anyways
Nicoā€¢3mo ago
adaptationā€¢3mo ago
I wear it out anyway n suffer because I gotta look cool out there too
samā€¢3mo ago
esp with the super delicate drapey one-side ann tuck that tends to look good w/ the stuff i wear
Nicoā€¢3mo ago
I did not leave with my pants tucked in my boots yesterday šŸ˜­
adaptationā€¢3mo ago
Ok yeah thatā€™s something where I cba to be redoing that all day and Iā€™d rip it out
oman121ā€¢3mo ago
Same man, same :nooooo:
zeometerā€¢3mo ago
tucked in boot fits are fun and good
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Nicoā€¢3mo ago
I mean I did but it started looking silly and coming out of one side so I took them out šŸ˜” That goes hard ngl
zeometerā€¢3mo ago
any person in real life who is fixated on your pants being tucked in is weird imo
rebound2ā€¢3mo ago
i can never get pants to stay tucked into my shoes or socks or whatever when i do occasionally try it
zeometerā€¢3mo ago
the same standard would apply to you šŸ‘
Nicoā€¢3mo ago
Oh no it wasn't being scared of what people think I meant I tucked them in for validation for the picture knowing full well they'd come out by themselves after 5 mins
Digsā€¢3mo ago
Get boot blousings dont tuck in boots
zeometerā€¢3mo ago
that said this is topical because I had momentary panic before sending that fit - i was to some extent ignoring what was stylish in contemporary eyes in favor of nailing a specific reference, but i felt i had to submit it the validation was great but, again, it's a situation where the effort spent was worth it independent of result
raisinpieā€¢3mo ago
speaking of validation I gotta post fit today gimme the baby internet flames
myownmosesā€¢3mo ago
What do you all do with days you donā€™t really like what youā€™re wearing/didnā€™t really try? Youā€™re not excited about it or expecting validation. Post fit or just use it to ask question in qna?
raisinpieā€¢3mo ago
Some people like to post every fit, some people only post their bangers it's up to you
I mean today Iā€™m wearing a hoodie and double knees which is a fit I like but itā€™s just a default one so I probably wonā€™t post it I typically never leave the house in something I donā€™t like
sharloyā€¢3mo ago
Idk I sometimes just post but often I donā€™t Like today Iā€™m wearing a mid ass fit
raisinpieā€¢3mo ago
In a similar vein I don't have unlimited clothes, so if I posted more there would be lots of repeats
myownmosesā€¢3mo ago
Makes sense Iā€™ve been in Australia all summer with days in the 60s, beginning to think about my clothes more. Now Iā€™m back in the Midwest, itā€™s 90 degrees and all my clothes are just whatever Iā€™ve had from years past and donā€™t really feel right
raisinpieā€¢3mo ago
ok but dressing in 90+ is a bitch no matter how much swag you have
myownmosesā€¢3mo ago
I guess for the point Iā€™m at, just taking a picture is more important than posting Then I can look back next year and be like, ā€œdamn I look so much betterā€
carrionā€¢3mo ago
I spend a lot of my time wearing clothes I lift in and I'm not posting waywt or qna for them
Spuckā€¢3mo ago
Thats my secret, I don't upload pictures of our outfits here. Validated by my lacck of seeking validation
myownmosesā€¢3mo ago
And THEN I can post both and get my validation that way
zeometerā€¢3mo ago
i dress with intention the majority of the time but i don't always post the fits there's some value in putting the effort into a fit just for real life, without the more instant feedback from discodd
Likepizza | pizza
Likepizza | pizzaā€¢3mo ago
I like knowing I look ok Just knowing that i don't look odd in my fit is comforting I know I like how I dress. Sometimes, an objective opinion is needed to ensure that my good fit does not come off as quirky. :kekw:
ClassClownā€¢3mo ago
I think of the reacts/comments here as a potential gauge of "am I effectively accomplishing what my goal is?" or "here's something new, am I on an interesting track?" I think that's validation, yea. But I like to think the lens through which I'm seeking it is productive.
WatercressQuirkyā€¢3mo ago
No description
zeometerā€¢3mo ago
"you look like a lesbian" has unfortunately come up on here too šŸ’€ but i agree, because i have an interest in and expend effort in dressing i do appreciate the more targeted commentary from a place like mfad vs mom saying my fit is nice because i wore a tie no shade to my mom who is awesome but ykwim
Puckā€¢3mo ago
Yeah, I get you and agree
jawntanamo_baeā€¢3mo ago
last night my mom told me to button more buttons because I was ā€œdressed like a gigoloā€ and ā€œthis is why youā€™re singleā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­
Yakkeksā€¢3mo ago
so? did you unbutton another one?
Nicoā€¢3mo ago
šŸ˜¦ thats sad tbh I did get some flak from my mom for starting to wear jewelry last month bahaha
jawntanamo_baeā€¢3mo ago
I told her that I had no buttons buttoned earlier, but that Iā€™d already buttoned some for her puritanical sensibilities. Also that if she brought it up again I will stay single forever and sheā€™ll only have grandkids from my brothers.
Likepizza | pizza
Likepizza | pizzaā€¢3mo ago
Same but shorts
Spuckā€¢3mo ago
I get told I dress like a lesbian by my lesbian friends (complementary)
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