Accessories - Topic of the day 4/30/24
Necessary to complete an outfit, or the cherry on top? What are your favorites? Discuss.

66 Replies
Wow totd hates embeds
Some outfits they are necessary others they are the cherry on top
Jewelry is my personal favorite
Sunglasses are my fav
But I feel like nobody here wears them
Also necklaces are important to add visual interest to a plain t shirt
Glasses are necessary to complete the fit because I'm fucking blind without them
This is what I was thinking of when I say sometimes they are necessary
A bandana or chains over a plain tee is a massive difference
+1 on sunglasses
been getting into bracelets and necklaces for a bit a few months ago but kinda stalled. might search for more when i wear more short sleeves
only complaint is that i thought silver didnt tarnish but one of my necklaces started turning brown..tbh i dont hate the color but i should fix it
on a more serious note I do actually like glasses as an accessory bc they can add a distinct metal accent that's different from jewelry
quite like matching glasses to silver hardware
I don't really wear any other accessories, but I love glasses (lucky for me.) These are mine at the moment:

Dream glasses would be Rigards or Matsuda, but I don't think I'm willing to spend the money
I wear a lot of hats. Mostly because I’m bald but I also like hats.
only pair I have :harold:

Discord messed everything up recently, we're figuring it out as we go 😒
I think you can be dressin without accessories. I don't think you can be DRESSIN without accessories. They complete the outfit because they are the cherry on top.
Taking this fit from me as an example, it wouldn't hit as hard without 1) the necklace and 2) the white socks

upon further reflection, I could've made it hit even harder with 1) some rings and 2) a better scrunchie for the alt shot

I wanted to get this scrunchie from Story but it's like $80 which is oof. But I think it'd be the perfect little cherry on top of this fit

I have very few accessories/jewelry and this is something I want to explore more. I'd love to get a few rings, a few interesting scrunchies for when I put my hair up, and I definitely want some better sunglasses cause all I have is crappy knockoff wayfarers and clubmasters from a decade ago
it should've been this. i think we've corrected the issue

Jewelry (rings, necklace, bracelets) for me but those never get taken off so maybe they don't count in the context of this topic. I've worn a watch pretty much daily for the past 25+ years, and I do switch up between the 6 that I own, depending on mood and to a degree, what clothes I'm wearing. Same with sunglasses - rotate between several pairs. Traveling at the moment though and I pack very light so I'll be in the same watch and pair of sunglasses for the next 6 weeks or so
I personally very rarely accessorize. My wedding ring doesn't quite feel like an 'accessory' but it's my only piece of jewelry. I wear baseball caps a fair bit, though. Sunglasses come out from time to time, like the sun... The fit battle was fun because it was an excuse to be a little more playful than my day-to-day style.
caps def count but they're def menswear babby's first accessory
or watch but we don't talk about those
Hats are my favorite accessory. Sunglasses would be my favorite, but I need prescription lenses so I can only afford one pair at a time 😭
Honorable mention for belts. Belts really don’t get enough love
I know I should make this a Q&A thread but to the folks here who have accessories on the mind, what are cool sunglasses? Need to find me a pair or three
Rayban, persol, Oliver peoples are my favorites
Sun buddies, gentle monster (I know), crap eyewear are my current favs
Adding onto the lists, my fav are Mr leight, Eyevan, JMM, Ahlem,and Lesca. Mykita only if it's the Margiela collab.
really not into raybans sorry, very "mfa 10 years ago"
@Char - i am sexytea @Fuzz ty will look into those
i could use some accessories besides a watch tbh
Warby parker for a very plain beater pair
There are some nice Oliver peoples as well, esp the collabs and ones made in Japan but personally just prefer the other brands. Also Garrett leight is very overpriced for what you get. Mr leight do have some with glass lenses but I just personally like many of their styles even if the lenses are cr39.
At Warby Parker prices, i think Akila or Crap might be better?
I have a hot take in which a watch isn’t necessarily a required accessory
Like imo any fit that has a watch can be replaced by a bracelet or band
And even then most fits don’t need a watch
a lot of watches are also too bulky which add a lot of weight to fits that kinda ruins the balance
but as a collector of things, i get it
I recently bought a brass ring from LHN and love the splash of color it adds to my hand. Subtle but sleek… next up is a silver bracelet and some sort of necklace

Yea watches are cool, just not the IT fashion accessory people think
Kinda like how nice gyw boots are cool but also aren’t the end all be all of fashion
Or sneakers
its a struggle i have with sunglasses where sometimes theres a pair i just love the shape and look of but i know it just doesnt work with my style. wearing it and treating it as a separate thing from my outfit would work but in the end its part of the outfit
oh! I think I'd like a crossbody bag, the camera bag here tells an obvious story in the fit but I think it'd be nice to have something similar for carrying around random stuff that doesn't fit in my pockets like a journal or a small book

Jacques Marie Mages, Barton Perreira, Matsuda, Oliver Peoples, Akila, Moscot, Cutler and Gross
I feel like pearls would be fun and I like some of those itty bitty little bags that I’ve seen
Warby Parker is good for prescription sunglasses if you’re ballin on a budget (me)
You might like baggu. They fit that kinda hiker/gorp vibe
Got some clip ons from there a few months back and it’s made my life so much easier
(I had lost my prescription ones in Peru and couldn’t afford to get another pair 😭)
My glasses are already so heavy I could never wear clip ons haha
Only issue I have with them is their “non-scratch” lenses are not, in fact, non-scratch. Mine were scratched within ~2 months…
However I think they have a 1 year warranty on it, I need to claim that
I’ve never had a pair of glasses that didn’t end up scratched after a few months I think it’s just life
I’ve also been looking around for a slightly bigger crossbody and I came across Porter which makes some cool looking bags that fit that mold
silver can and will oxidize if worn for too long, unfortunately
no i agree
sunglasses are more required than a watch imo
considering they’re literally for your health
as far as prompt goes though - accessories are not always necessary, but if you don’t want your fit to be exceptionally bland, you need them. and then there’s some outfits i can’t wear unless i accessorize.
I'm a huge fan of accessories. I like having my daily drivers of jewelry/glasses I throw on daily just to build a through-line of my personality in each fit, and then adding in hats/bandanas/bags/etc.. depending on functionality and/or vibes which become storytelling about what I'm up to that day.
Porter is great - probably my go-to bags for something simple and functional that can take some abuse if I just need something to tote around
Interesting. Does the 10 years ago thing apply to a specific model? Or the brand as a whole? I've got some clubmasters and a pair of marshalls that I really like, but that's just me and there's tons of options for sunglasses out there
Silver will tarnish if it just sits for a while too
yeah. there’s a reason i keep mine boxed religiously
the less it’s open the less it’ll tarnish
Hot take: I love the way silver looks when it tarnishes
Some silver actually looks better this way imo
i mean i love a good patina as much as the next guy that’s true
wayfarers and clubmasters were highly recommended sunglasses 10 years-ish ago. i wouldn't go as far to say they look bad by any means, they just definitely were very common in internet fashion circles in the 'teens
some pieces look better with it than others tho
Ahh I see. Thanks
my fit for today is basically my starter pack for accessories - cap, tie, wayfarers, braided belt, white socks. not to say the outfit would be bad without it but it just adds something

White socks the accessory I slept on for too long
that said i enjoy experimenting with variations on that - bandana or scarf instead of tie, different color socks or hats, belts of different width, etc. it's an easy way to move past the basic bastard without much effort

I don't think of myself as an accessories guy, although I'm interested. Of necessity, I have 2 pairs of glasses and 1 pair of sunglasses, and I enjoy wearing cute eyewear. Other than that, my only accessory is a cross-body bag aka purse, but I don't really consider it part of my outfit.
I really like hats.
Unfortunately I recently lost my favourite flatcap.
i really want to start wearing flatcaps/newsboys i just don’t know where to start
i mean i kinda do there’s a place nearby that sells them
i just feel like i’m wearing my dad’s hat when i put it on
and my dad doesn’t even wear them
i feel out of place in them i guess
which is a shame because i love them to death
depends on the accessory but i feel like a single accessory has the potential to entirely change the vibe of an outfit (i say this with a pair of lensless glasses i like to wear in mind)
yeah absolutely
Does anyone ever call you out for that? On occasion I wear nonprescription glasses but they still have lenses. Lensless would be convenient since I wouldn't have to worry about smudges or getting them scratched up
Personally I like earrings, although at this point they kinda became their own "slot" that needs to be filled so that I feel dressed lol. Not sure if that still counts as accessory
my friends sometimes pretend to poke my eyes as a joke but otherwise not really. they look a lot better than with their fake lenses anyway, but i want to get some wire frames at some point too.
Haha cool. I'll have to give it a try
lmk how it goes!!