Distorted Menu Button & Modals
Hi there, I just upgraded the filament files using
composer update
and then php artisan filament:upgrade
, then I started seeing all the table action menu and filter menu were distorted, it was normal before upgrading the filament.
My codework is at: https://github.com/Amitoj02/Laravel-Ecommerce/blob/main/app/Filament/Resources/InventoryResource.php
Is there any quick fix to it?24 Replies
try to rebuild the assets (npm)
It makes sense that it is happening because of lack of files generated by npm build, I have question, is there any other way around to copy the generated files from local machine to the host as the host cannot have nodejs at all. I attempted to copy the
and public/build
directories but I dont think it worked.you need to copy the css and js folders too
I have also attempted to copy the css and js folders, and also cleared artisan cache, still same.
Pls run
I run the command, it didnt work, I also clear server and browser cache, didnt work.
The worse thing you can do is to delete the vendor/node_modules folder and re-install all dependencies
Okay, lets see
The command should be ‘php artisan filament:assets’
I tried everything, none of it came forward, I did my own research and I assume that the
in css classes are causing issueWhen I remove the "!" mark from the classname, it fixes everything
I hope I am wrong as you guys might be using css libraries to really make this css classes important which is not working in my case.
Now everything is working as needed when i removed the
from these lines of the package
https://github.com/filamentphp/filament/blob/60afe878a45d45997d4d2fb33f60ef7e94f17337/packages/support/resources/views/components/dropdown/index.blade.php#L62-L74Issue is resolved from my end, thank you everyone, you might like to raise an github issue for this one.
I hope you didn't modify the files in vendor folder...
If removing those in your app fixes the issue then it is an issue somewhere in your app and not in filament. Otherwise everyone would be having this problem.
Yes I believe that too, but im leaving it here for the record if it happens again, thanks
But it seems you edited vendor files... which is really bad
I appreciate your concern, Its not long term project, so it doesnt matter for me.
It doesn't matter long term or not. Do it properly now so next time you will know how to do it